It is wartime. You and your fellow refugees are hiding from enemy soldiers, when a baby begins to cry. You cover her mouth to block the sound. If you remove your hand, her crying will draw the attention of...
When and where did humans develop language? To find out, look deep inside caves, suggests an MIT professor. More precisely, some specific features of cave art may provide clues about how our symbolic, multifaceted language capabilities evolved, according to a new paper...
An example of the communicative power of emojis in reducing ambiguity in eritten discourse. Credit: Trends in Cognitive Sciences More than 90% of online populations now incorporate emojis and emoticons into their texts and emails, and researchers are wondering what...
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The science behind love

There are several instances in life when being able to change one's feelings of love might be useful and even beneficial for emotional health and well-being.Image credit: Flickr/Pia Kristine When University of Missouri–St. Louis psychology faculty member Sandra Langeslag tells...
Traumatic stress affects the brains of adolescent boys and girls differently, according to a new brain-scanning study from the Stanford University School of Medicine. Image Credit: Flickr/firesam A brain region that integrates emotions and actions appears to undergo accelerated maturation...
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can alter our language processing, allowing for faster comprehension of meaningful word combinations, according to new research. How the human brain processes the words we hear and constructs complex concepts is still somewhat of a...
There appears to be a plateau in the maximum biological limits for humans' height, age and physical abilities, and we seem to have reached it. Credit: © ChiccoDodiFC / Fotolia Humans may have reached their maximum limits for height, lifespan and...
Living abroad can clarify your sense of self, according to new research by a team of social scientists at Rice University, Columbia University and the University of North Carolina. They found living abroad increases "self-concept clarity," the extent to which...
New research finds that misinformation on climate change can psychologically cancel out the influence of accurate statements.Image Credit:Flickr/Takver In medicine, vaccinating against a virus involves exposing a body to a weakened version of the threat, enough to build...
These are tips and tricks to help expectant mothers manage stress. Credit: University of Ottawa Parenting is a complicated journey full of questions, and when a beloved child begins to show signs of a behavioural disorder, a parent's challenges become even...
The study found no evidence of the commonly held belief that women can recognize faces more accurately than men. Credit: Patrick Mansell Despite conventional wisdom that suggests women are better than men at facial recognition, Penn State psychologists found no difference...