There appears to be a plateau in the maximum biological limits for humans' height, age and physical abilities, and we seem to have reached it.
Credit: © ChiccoDodiFC / Fotolia
Humans may have reached their maximum limits for height, lifespan and...
Humans can detect about one trillion different odors and have just as good a sense of smell as animals, suggests a new study.
Credit: © Anneke / Fotolia
When it comes to our sense of smell, we have been led to...
New research finds that misinformation on climate change can psychologically cancel out the influence of accurate statements.Image Credit:Flickr/Takver
In medicine, vaccinating against a virus involves exposing a body to a weakened version of the threat, enough to build...
When we feel ostracised, we're more likely to behave aggressively. Previous research suggests that vengeance on those who we think have wronged us can be driven by a sense of justice, and may activate neural reward centres. But being...
Children don't have to completely disengage with superhero culture, but parents should foster a wide variety of interests and talk to their kids about media influences, according to new research from BYU. Credit: Jaren Wilkey/BYU Photo
There’s a lot of...
There is an optimal point to how much money it takes to make an individual happy, and that amount varies worldwide, according to research from Purdue University.
"That might be surprising as what we see on TV and what advertisers...
The left graph shows parenting methods (supportive, strict, indulgent) and their effects on children's success. The right shows parenting methods (easygoing, harsh, average) and their effects on children's success.Credit: Kobe University
A research group led by NISHIMURA Kazuo (Project Professor...
For decades many people have claimed meditation can change how we behave towards others and make us more compassionate.
But now new research has suggested meditation's role in making individuals better people is limited.
The study by scientists at Coventry University...
Compared with the total time spent on social media, use of multiple platforms is more strongly associated with depression and anxiety among young adults.Credit: Flickr/Nan Palmero
Compared with the total time spent on social media, use of multiple platforms is...
Mantled howler (Alouatta seniculus) howling.
Credit: © michaklootwijk / Fotolia
Human infants' responses to the vocalizations of non-human primates shed light on the developmental origin of a crucial link between human language and core cognitive capacities, a new study reports.
Data from 160,000 ranked chess players and more than five million chess matches suggests that women playing against men perform better than expected based on their official chess ratings, according to a new study by the University of Sheffield.