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Monthly Archives: August 2020

A new platform for controlled delivery of key nanoscale drugs and more

A new platform for controlled delivery of key nanoscale drugs and more

In work that could have a major impact on several industries—from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics and even food—MIT engineers have developed a novel platform for...
Tungsten isotope helps study how to armor future fusion reactors

Tungsten isotope helps study how to armor future fusion reactors

The inside of future nuclear fusion energy reactors will be among the harshest environments ever produced on Earth. What's strong enough to protect the...
Fossil trees on Perus Central Andean Plateau tell a tale of dramatic environmental change

Fossil trees on Peru’s Central Andean Plateau tell a tale of dramatic environmental change

On an expedition to the Central Andean Plateau, researchers from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) and colleagues were astounded to find a huge...
A review of ridge subduction magmatism and metallogenesis

A review of ridge subduction, magmatism and metallogenesis

Generally speaking, 'ridge subduction' involves subduction of spreading oceanic ridges, aseismic ridges or oceanic plateaus and inactive arc ridges, and this common and important...
How Neanderthals adjusted to climate change

How Neanderthals adjusted to climate change

Climate change occurring shortly before their disappearance triggered a complex change in the behavior of late Neanderthals in Europe: they developed more complex tools....
How bacteria adhere to fiber in the gut

How bacteria adhere to fiber in the gut

Researchers have revealed a new molecular mechanism by which bacteria adhere to cellulose fibers in the human gut. Thanks to two different binding modes,...
Multidimensional dual channel vortex beam generator

Multidimensional, dual-channel vortex beam generator

Optical vortices, characterized by a helical phase front and doughnut-shaped intensity distribution, contribute to a broad range of applications, from microscopy to optical communications....
Thermodynamics of computation A quest to find the cost of running a Turing machine

Thermodynamics of computation: A quest to find the cost of running a Turing machine

Turing machines were first proposed by British mathematician Alan Turing in 1936, and are a theoretical mathematical model of what it means for a...
Study rules out dark matter destruction as origin of extra radiation in galaxy center

Study rules out dark matter destruction as origin of extra radiation in galaxy center

The detection more than a decade ago by the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope of an excess of high-energy radiation in the center of...
Gas reaches young stars along magnetic field lines

Gas reaches young stars along magnetic field lines

Astronomers have used the GRAVITY instrument to study the immediate vicinity of a young star in more detail than ever before. Their observations confirm...
Fossil evidence of hibernation like state in 250 million year old Antarctic animal

Fossil evidence of ‘hibernation-like’ state in 250-million-year-old Antarctic animal

Hibernation is a familiar feature on Earth today. Many animals—especially those that live close to or within polar regions—hibernate to get through the tough...