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Monthly Archives: October 2018

Earths oceans have absorbed 60 percent more heat than previously thought

Earth’s oceans have absorbed 60 percent more heat than previously thought

For each year during the past quarter century, the world's oceans have absorbed an amount of heat energy that is 150 times the energy...
Astronomers discover the giant that shaped the early days of our Milky Way

Astronomers discover the giant that shaped the early days of our Milky Way

Some 10 billion years ago, the Milky Way merged with a large galaxy. The stars from this partner, named Gaia-Enceladus, make up most of...
Widely used mosquito repellent proves lethal to larval salamanders

Widely used mosquito repellent proves lethal to larval salamanders

Insect repellents containing picaridin can be lethal to salamanders. So reports a new study published today in Biology Letters that investigated how exposure to...
Timelapse shows twenty five years in the life of one the most studied objects in astronomy Supernova 1987a

Timelapse shows twenty-five years in the life of one the most studied objects in...

Since it first appeared in the southern night sky on February 24th 1987, Supernova 1987A has been one of the most studied objects in...
Math describes how bubbles pop

Math describes how bubbles pop

Understanding the dynamics of bursting bubbles can provide critical insights for a range of fields from oceanography to atmospheric science, but the mechanisms that...
Most detailed observations of material orbiting close to a black hole

Most detailed observations of material orbiting close to a black hole

ESO's exquisitely sensitive GRAVITY instrument has added further evidence to the long-standing assumption that a supermassive black hole lurks in the centre of the...
Scientists make first detailed measurements of key factors related to high temperature superconductivity

Scientists make first detailed measurements of key factors related to high-temperature superconductivity

In superconducting materials, electrons pair up and condense into a quantum state that carries electrical current with no loss. This usually happens at very...
Giant flightless birds were nocturnal and possibly blind

Giant flightless birds were nocturnal and possibly blind

If you encountered an elephant bird today, it would be hard to miss. Measuring in at over 10 feet tall, the extinct avian is...
Single protein controls thousands of genes essential for sperm development

Single protein controls thousands of genes essential for sperm development

A single protein regulates a battery of key genes inside developing sperm, according to a new study out of Case Western Reserve University School...
Owls help scientists unlock secret of how the brain pays attention

Owls help scientists unlock secret of how the brain pays attention

By studying barn owls, scientists at Johns Hopkins University believe they've taken an important step toward solving the longstanding mystery of how the brain...

Study reconstructs Neandertal ribcage, offers new clues to ancient human anatomy

An international team of scientists has completed the first 3-D virtual reconstruction of the ribcage of the most complete Neandertal skeleton unearthed to date,...