Research shows 46 percent increase in workplace productivity with use of standing desks. Credit: © Mack Male / Flickr Most people have heard the argument that standing desks are good for the body. They can help burn more calories and...
Many of the world's most charismatic animal species -- those that attract the largest interest and deepest empathy from the public -- are at high risk of extinction in part because many people believe their iconic stature guarantees their...
New research has revealed how people's intelligence, rather than their personality traits, leads to success. Researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Minnesota and Heidelberg devised a series of games to find out which factors lead to cooperative behaviour when people interact in social and...
When and where did humans develop language? To find out, look deep inside caves, suggests an MIT professor. More precisely, some specific features of cave art may provide clues about how our symbolic, multifaceted language capabilities evolved, according to a new paper...
A new study published today suggests that how empathic we are is not just a result of our upbringing and experience but also partly a result of our genes. Empathy has two parts: the ability to recognize another person's thoughts...
In a new study in Nature Neuroscience, Jaideep Bains, PhD, and his team at the Cumming School of Medicine's Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI), at the University of Calgary have discovered that stress transmitted from others can change the brain in...
How does stress -- which, among other things, causes our bodies to divert resources from non-essential functions -- affect the basic exchange of materials that underlies our everyday life? Weizmann Institute of Science researchers investigated this question by looking...
Happiness is not a warm phone, according to a new study exploring the link between adolescent life satisfaction and screen time. Teens whose eyes are habitually glued to their smartphones are markedly unhappier, said study lead author and San...
Easy as 1, 2, 3! Such claims have touted the ease of use of a new gadget, although a closer look would reveal that it would take dozens of steps to make it work. Just ask School of Psychology...
A recent study by a University of Arkansas researcher, Darya Zabelina, assistant professor of psychology, takes a new approach to measuring the association between creativity and cognitive control, that is, the mind's ability to override impulses and make decisions...
Babies often amaze their parents when they seemingly learn new skills overnight -- how to walk, for example. But their brains were probably prepping for those tasks long before their first steps occurred, according to researchers. Researchers at Penn State...