Researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Radboud University Nijmegen found proof that psychopathic individuals can feel fear, but have trouble in the automatic detection and responsivity to threat. For many decades fear has been put forth as a hallmark...
Risk of a fatal cardiovascular disease due to depression is almost as great as that due to elevated cholesterol levels or obesity. Image credit:Flickr/HAMZA BUTT Depression poses a risk for cardiovascular diseases in men that is just as great as...
A new online game puts players in the shoes of an aspiring propagandist to give the public a taste of the techniques and motivations behind the spread of disinformation—potentially "inoculating" them against the influence of so-called fake news in...
Youth who experienced high parental warmth and support are less civically engaged in young adulthood -- in comparison to their peers who received less parental affection. This is the result of a recent study conducted by researchers from the...
When you look at the two images below, what do you see? Maybe you see two ducks, sitting side by side. Perhaps instead you see two rabbits. Maybe you see a duck and a rabbit. Now look at the image,...
According to a recent study, people in relationships actually see tempting people outside of their partnership as less attractive.Credit: © Daniel Go/ Flickr Though they meet thousands of new people in their lifetime, what underlying psychological factors might couples use...
Researchers at the University of York have found no evidence to support the theory that video games make players more violent. In a series of experiments, with more than 3,000 participants, the team demonstrated that video game concepts do not...
Every fourth employee regards promises made by the company they work for as having been broken and every third is not satisfied with their relationship to their superior and with their co-workers. This is shown by the current results...
Having a happy spouse may be related to better health, at least among middle-aged and older adults, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association. In a nationally representative study of 1,981 middle-age heterosexual couples, researchers found...
Compared with the total time spent on social media, use of multiple platforms is more strongly associated with depression and anxiety among young adults.Credit: Flickr/Nan Palmero Compared with the total time spent on social media, use of multiple platforms is...
Mantled howler (Alouatta seniculus) howling. Credit: © michaklootwijk / Fotolia Human infants' responses to the vocalizations of non-human primates shed light on the developmental origin of a crucial link between human language and core cognitive capacities, a new study reports. ...