Scolding does not necessarily cause a change of behaviour as researchers at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Würzburg have found. Credit: © Antonioguillem / Fotolia Parents scold their children to correct their behaviour, hoping that their offspring will...
A UCLA study has identified changes in brain regions that may hold a key to why some people prefer order and organization and others do not. Credit: Patricia Marroquin/UCLA Why do some people prefer stable, predictable lives while others prefer frequent...
Macaques, and other animals, have great difficulties in distinguishing between sequences of stimuli. This might be what separates humans from other animals. Credit: Johan Lind/N Humans possess many cognitive abilities not seen in other animals, such as a full-blown language capacity...
A student uses a digitizer to record geometric morphometric sites on a skull. Credit: NC State University Skeletal evidence shows that, hundreds of years after the Roman Republic conquered most of the Mediterranean world, coastal communities in what is now south...
Golden retriever puppy. Do you think of puppies and bunnies when you think of your spouse? Credit: © Mikkel Bigandt / Fotolia One of the well-known challenges of marriage is keeping the passion alive after years of partnership, as passions tend...
Insomnia is one of the most common health complaints. Credit: © Focus Pocus LTD / Fotolia An international team of researchers has found, for the first time, seven risk genes for insomnia. With this finding the researchers have taken an important...
Researchers passed a weak constant electrical current through saline-soaked electrodes positioned over target regions in the scalp. Credit: Image courtesy of Queen Mary University of London Scientists have found a way to improve creativity through brain stimulation, according to researchers at...
Can you clearly see emotions in the eyes of others? Credit: © elnariz / Fotolia Our DNA influences our ability to read a person's thoughts and emotions from looking at their eyes, suggests a new study published in the journal Molecular...
This is a bat trained to stand on a platform and await delivery of its prey. Credit: Johns Hopkins University When trying to be heard over noise, humans and animals raise their voices. It's a split-second feat, from ear to brain...
“Friendships become even more important as we age,” said William Chopik, a Michigan State University assistant professor of psychology whose study suggests friendships may actually be more important than family relationships. Credit: © pablocalvog / Fotolia The power of friendship gets...
These findings suggest that our expectations may not match the reality of dying, which has important implications for how we treat people who are dying. Credit: © Studio Porto Sabbia / Fotolia Fear of death is a fundamental part of the...