These are tips and tricks to help expectant mothers manage stress.
Credit: University of Ottawa
Parenting is a complicated journey full of questions, and when a beloved child begins to show signs of a behavioural disorder, a parent's challenges become even...
Sara Letzner had humans compete against pigeons in a behavioural experiment.
Credit: © RUB, Marquard
Pigeons are capable of switching between two tasks as quickly as humans -- and even more quickly in certain situations. These are the findings of biopsychologists...
PlayForward is a serious role-playing video game that engages youth with a variety of challenges and choices in fictional yet realistic life situations.
Credit: Lynn Fiellin, M.D., Yale School of Medicine
A videogame designed by Yale researchers to promote health and...
The best explanation for the improvement in skills over time was the so-called 'mutualism' model. This model proposes that cognitive abilities help each other during development: In other words, better reasoning skills allow individuals to improve their vocabulary more...
Credit: © Denis Tabler / Fotolia
If you could save the lives of five people by pushing another bystander in front of a train to his death, would you do it? And should it make any difference if that choice...
Painted turtle eggs were brought from a hatchery in Louisiana, candled to ensure embryo viability and then incubated at male-permissive temperatures in a bed of vermiculite. Those exposed to BPA developed deformities to testes that held female characteristics.
Credit: Roger...
This image shows from left to right the reward smile, affiliative smile and dominance smile.
Credit: Courtesy of Paula Niedenthal
The smile may be the most common and flexible expression, used to reveal some emotions, cover others and manage social interactions...
If people want to focus more on their time and less on money in their lives, they could take some actions to help shift their perspective, such as working slightly fewer hours, paying someone to do disliked chores like...
People who spent money on time saving purchases reported greater life satisfaction.
Credit: © JackF / Fotolia
New research is challenging the age-old adage that money can't buy happiness.
The study, led by researchers at the University of British Columbia and...
This new King’s study is the first to find substantial genetic influence on children’s social mobility, which could have important implications for reducing educational inequality.
Credit: © michaeljung / Fotolia
A new King's College London study suggests that genes account for...
While under hypnosis, the test participants had to react on various symbols. In order to observe brain activity, the participants were linked up to an EEG. In this way, the psychologists were able to find out how hypnosis influences...