Data from 160,000 ranked chess players and more than five million chess matches suggests that women playing against men perform better than expected based on their official chess ratings, according to a new study by the University of Sheffield. The...
There is an optimal point to how much money it takes to make an individual happy, and that amount varies worldwide, according to research from Purdue University. "That might be surprising as what we see on TV and what advertisers...
Credit: © newjon / Flickr When it comes to setting organizational and personal goals, making a backup plan has been seen as a sensible way to deal with uncertainty -- to be prepared if things don't go as expected. However, new...
The fluctuations of your heartbeat may affect your wisdom, according to new research from the University of Waterloo. The study suggests that heart rate variation and thinking process work together to enable wise reasoning about complex social issues. The work...
This map shows the changing US CO2 footprint around the world between 1970 and 2008. Red hotspots illustrated where the US carbon footprint has increased, and in blue, decreased. The carbon footprint has gone down in some parts of...
16 percent of users unfriended others during Israel-Gaza conflict in 2014 Leaving politics at the door when talking to friends is a great rule for maintaining a friendship, but that may not be the case when it's a virtual door...
Watching a lot of TV and having a low physical activity level as a young adult were associated with worse cognitive function 25 years later in midlife, according to an article published online by JAMA Psychiatry. Few studies have investigated the...
There appears to be a plateau in the maximum biological limits for humans' height, age and physical abilities, and we seem to have reached it. Credit: © ChiccoDodiFC / Fotolia Humans may have reached their maximum limits for height, lifespan and...
The researchers found that anxiety disorder patients had sharply reduced stress-hormone and inflammatory responses to a stressful situation after taking a mindfulness meditation course. Image Credit: Flickr/Loky Stelaris Mindfulness meditation is an increasingly popular treatment for anxiety, but testing its...
There are six components to an apology -- and the more of them you include when you say you're sorry, the more effective your apology will be, according to new research. But if you're pressed for time or space, there...
How people of different nationalities work together depends on their preconceptions.Image credit: ©stemonx/Flickr Germans arrive at every appointment 5 hours before the scheduled time, all Indians are called Ranjid and have a red mark on their foreheads, the Japanese bow...