Youth who experienced high parental warmth and support are less civically engaged in young adulthood -- in comparison to their peers who received less parental affection. This is the result of a recent study conducted by researchers from the...
Childhood bullying inflicts the same long-term psychological trauma on girls as severe physical or sexual abuse, suggests a new survey of college students. The study, which involved 480 college freshmen through seniors, indicated that the detrimental effects of bullying may...
Image Credit: Flickr/George Grinsted Ioannis Evangelidis and coauthors, through five lab experiments, find that perceived goal conflict in everyday life causes anxiety and stress, which leads to feel pressed for time. Making us impatient and willing to pay to save...
New research by a Rice University marketing professor debunks a long-held belief by companies that they could charge more for locally produced goods and services because of consumers' sense of attachment to their community. The study, published in the...
These findings suggest that our expectations may not match the reality of dying, which has important implications for how we treat people who are dying. Credit: © Studio Porto Sabbia / Fotolia Fear of death is a fundamental part of the...
Credit: Association for Psychological Science We use others' eyes - whether they're widened or narrowed - to infer emotional states, and the inferences we make align with the optical function of those expressions, according to new research published in Psychological...
How does our language affect our perception of time? Credit: © spaxiax / Fotolia Language has such a powerful effect, it can influence the way in which we experience time, according to a new study. Professor Panos Athanasopoulos, a linguist from Lancaster...
Examples of color variation between pre- and post-supplementation byTreatment condition. The top photographs show the Beta-carotene participant, The bottom photographs show the placebo participant. The left side is pre-supplementation and the right side is post-supplementation. Credit: Yong Zhi Foo Findings...
Study links selfies happiness

Study links selfies, happiness

For a recent “positive computing” study by informatics researchers at UCI, subjects were asked to smile and snap a selfie with their smartphone every day for three weeks.Credit: Steve Zylius / UCI Regularly snapping selfies with your smartphone and sharing...
Every fourth employee regards promises made by the company they work for as having been broken and every third is not satisfied with their relationship to their superior and with their co-workers. This is shown by the current results...
Image Credit:Flickr/turbotoddi Growing up in a warm family environment in childhood is associated with feeling more secure in romantic relationships in one’s 80s, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The...