The white calcite 'veins' of the Loma Blanca fault are evident in this slab of rock on the fault. These veins of calcite reveal a record of fluid-driven earthquakes clustered together on a fault typically characterized by less frequent,...
When raised in warm water and exposed to acidic water, bryozoans, honeycomb-shaped sea creatures, dissolved within two months, researchers observed. Credit: Eric Sanford/UC Davis The one-two punch of warming waters and ocean acidification is predisposing some marine animals to dissolving quickly...
Enjoying nature. Credit: The University of Queensland People who visit parks for 30 minutes or more each week are much less likely to have high blood pressure or poor mental health than those who don't, according to new research by...
Earth has a new lightning capital, according to a recent study using observations from the Lightning Imaging Sensor onboard NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission. Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela earned the top spot receiving an average rate of about 233 flashes...