Earth has a new lightning capital, according to a recent study using observations from the Lightning Imaging Sensor onboard NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission.
Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela earned the top spot receiving an average rate of about 233 flashes...
Inflammatory mechanisms caused by the brain's immune system drive the progression of Alzheimer's disease, according to new research.
Credit: © Dmitry / Fotolia
According to a study by scientists of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the University of...
After an infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), the virus persists in the body throughout a person's lifetime.
Credit: © Henri-Jacques Delecluse/DKFZ
After an infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), the virus persists in the body throughout a person's lifetime, usually...
The genetic material of the HIV virus is encased in multiple structures that hide it from the host immune system. The capsid, in blue, protects the virus after it enters a cell and shuttles it to the nucleus, where...
The naked HIV capsid, left, would be quickly detected and eliminated from the cell, but a host protein, cyclophilin A, in red in the image on the right, binds to the capsid and enables it to transit through the...
Most of the known volcanic hotspots are linked to plumes of hot rock (red) rising from two spots on the boundary between the metal core and rocky mantle 1,800 miles below Earth's surface.
Credit: Image courtesy of University of California...
Tatyana Polenova and Juan Perilla, professors in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Delaware, with a computer-generated model of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Credit: University of Delaware/ Evan Krape and Jeffrey Chase
Viewed with a...
A chip with a Coulomb blockade thermometer on it is prepared for experiments at extremely low temperatures.
Credit: University of Basel, Department of Physics
Physicists at the University of Basel have succeeded in cooling a nanoelectronic chip to a temperature lower...
Credit: Dave Pape, Public Domain
It's official: East Antarctica is pushing West Antarctica around.
Now that West Antarctica is losing weight--that is, billions of tons of ice per year--its softer mantle rock is being nudged westward by the harder mantle...
Cave city in volcanic rocks of uplifted Central Anatolian plateau.
Credit: Russell Pysklywec
When renowned University of Toronto (U of T) geophysicist J. Tuzo Wilson cemented concepts in the emerging field of plate tectonics in the 1960s, he revolutionized the study...
This is image shows modern Mars (left) dry and barren, compared with the same scene over 3.5 billion years ago covered in water (right). The rocks of the surface were slowly reacting with the water, sequestering it into the...