Parents feel schools can handle basic first aid, but are less sure about urgent health situations such as an asthma attack or mental health issue.
Credit: C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health at the University of Michigan
High school students.
Credit: © AntonioDiaz / Fotolia
The RAND Corporation and RAND Europe have released the first-ever, state-by-state analysis (in 47 states) of the economic implications of a shift in school start times in the U.S., showing that a nationwide...
A number of factors foster strong storytelling skills among young African-American preschoolers, which has implications for their development as readers.
Credit: Courtesy of UNC's Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute.
The oral storytelling skills of African American preschoolers make a difference...
Modeled microcapsules demonstrate 'quorum sensing' behavior. A small collection of microcapsules remains dormant (left) whereas a large, crowded population exhibits oscillations in chemical activity (right), represented by circular waves of color.
Credit: Henry Shum
From the smallest cell to humans, most...
Male lion attack huge buffalo bull.
Credit: © Alta Oosthuizen / Fotolia
Populations of predators and their prey usually follow predictable cycles. When the number of prey increases -- perhaps as their food supply becomes more abundant -- predator populations also...
County-level annual damages in the median scenario for the climate from 2080 to 2099 under a business-as-usual emissions trajectory. Negative damages indicate economic benefits.
Credit: Hsiang, Kopp, Jina, Rising, et al (2017).
Unmitigated climate change will make the United States poorer...
Men and women might speak with higher-pitched voices towards high status people because a low-pitched voice sounds dominant, particularly in men, while a high-pitched voice sounds relatively submissive.
Credit: © pressmaster / Fotolia
People tend to change the pitch of their...
Musicians are monitored to determine how they anticipate one another's moves.
Credit: McMaster University
Researchers at McMaster are one step closer to solving one of the mysteries of social interaction: how musicians communicate during a performance and anticipate one another's moves...
These are the coral fragments analyzed in this study. All pieces are small (3-5 cm in longest dimension). Specimens shown are after physical cleaning (in water). All specimens shown are corals of the genus Pocillopora, except 1C, which is...
Interactions through music help people to minimize feelings of prejudice while boosting empathy for others unlike themselves, a researcher has found.
Credit: © biker3 / Fotolia
Jake Harwood turned his lifelong hobby as a musician into a scholarly question: Could the...
Following social norms can sometimes be costly for individuals if norms require sacrifice for the good of the group. A new study sheds light on the power of norms and the origins of cooperation.
Credit: © WavebreakMediaMicro / Fotolia
How you...