Men with university level education were 19% more likely to develop a glioma--a type of cancerous tumor arising in glial cells that surround and support neurons in the brain--than men whose educational attainment didn't extend beyond the period of...
Child at eye sight test. (Stock image) Credit: © famveldman / Fotolia Farsighted preschoolers and kindergartners have a harder time paying attention and that could put them at risk of slipping behind in school, a new study suggests. An...
Male lion attack huge buffalo bull. Credit: © Alta Oosthuizen / Fotolia Populations of predators and their prey usually follow predictable cycles. When the number of prey increases -- perhaps as their food supply becomes more abundant -- predator populations also...
Children improve at math when instruction engages their own bodies, a new study says. Image credit: Flickr/Jan Tik Children improve at math when instruction engages their own bodies. This is one of the findings from a recent study coming from...
A study published today in the BMJ Open shows that in countries where there is a complete ban on all corporal punishment of children there is less fighting among young people. There was 31% less physical fighting in young...
Education leads to a longer life. Credit: © Gines / Fotolia People who are overweight cut their life expectancy by two months for every extra kilogramme of weight they carry, research suggests. A major study of the genes that...
Violinist (stock image). “The nature vs. nurture debate has raged since the beginning of psychology,” said Zach Hambrick, MSU professor of psychology. “This makes it very clear that it’s both. Not only in the sense that both nature and...
Brad Mahon, Ph.D., Dan Fabbio, and Web Pilcher, M.D., Ph.D., watching footage of surgery to remove tumor from Fabbio's brain. Credit: Image courtesy of University of Rochester Medical Center Music is not only a major part of Dan Fabbio's life, as...
Bees. Credit: Image courtesy of Taylor & Francis The effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on bees has been widely covered in the news recently, with laboratory-based studies suggesting that the chemicals are harmful, and field studies which are much less clear cut....
People who are highly materialistic tend to use Facebook frequently and intensely. Credit: © / Fotolia If you're materialistic, you're likely to use Facebook more frequently and intensely. A new paper in Heliyon reveals that materialistic people see and treat...
Portrait of young man with EEG headset on. (Stock image) Credit: © BSANI / Fotolia Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham suggest that brainwave-sensing headsets, also known as EEG or electroencephalograph headsets, need better security after a study reveals...