A University of New Mexico Biology professor and second-year Ph.D. student are part of a team of scientists who have examined the immune system of an unusual group of mammals, which includes a small South American opossum, to find...
Not all species may travel the same path to existence, at least according to new findings from the University of Colorado Boulder and collaborators. This new research, out today in Science, looked at a newly discovered, endangered songbird located only...
The largest flightless bird ever to live weighed in up to 600kg and had a whopping head about half a meter long—but its brain was squeezed for space. Dromornis stirtoni, the largest of the 'mihirungs' (an Aboriginal word for 'giant...
New research led by the University of Bristol has revealed that crocodiles once flourished on land and in the oceans as a result of fast evolution. Modern crocodiles are predators living in rivers, lakes and wetlands, grabbing fish, reptiles, birds...
The possibly oldest cephalopods in the earth's history stem from the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland (Canada). They were discovered by earth scientists from Heidelberg University. The 522 million-year-old fossils could turn out to be the first known form of...
Many people instinctively use baby-talk when talking to their pets, often characterized by a high-pitched voice and exaggerated intonations. The same is true for many riders with their horses. But are horses sensitive to this type of speech? Ethologists...
Call it the evolutionary march of the penguins. More than 50 million years ago, the lovable tuxedoed birds began leaving their avian relatives at the shoreline by waddling to the water's edge and taking a dive in the pursuit of...
Abig event in the insect world is approaching. Starting sometime in April or May, depending on latitude, one of the largest broods of 17-year cicadas will emerge from underground in a dozen states, from New York west to Illinois...
If you were given the option to eat a delicious meal by yourself, or share that meal with your loved ones, you would need a very good excuse ready if you chose the former. Turns out, fish share a...
Circling behavior of the sea creatures remains enigmatic. Technological advances have made it possible for researchers to track the circling behavior movements of large ocean-dwelling animals in three dimensions with remarkable precision in both time and space. Researchers reporting...
Scientists have witnessed bonobo apes adopting infants who were born outside of their social group for the first time in the wild. Researchers, including psychologists at Durham University, UK, twice saw the unusual occurrence among bonobos in the Democratic Republic...