University of California, Irvine scientists expect the world's fisheries to be, on average, 20 percent less productive in the year 2300, with those in the North Atlantic down nearly 60 percent and those in much of the western Pacific...
Canada geese at a rail yard in Chicago. Credit: Mike Ward It's open season for Canada geese in Illinois from mid-October to mid-January. Unfortunately for hunters, Canada geese are finding a new way to stay out of the line of fire....
Experts have outlined "compelling evidence" that suggests banning trophy hunting can negatively affect conservation—arguing that unregulated killings are far more prevalent in non-hunting zones. More than 130 international scientists—including two from the University of Stirling—say that certain species, such as...
New research indicates adolescent offspring of the menacing saber-toothed predator, Smilodon fatalis, were more momma's cubs than independent warriors. A new study by scientists at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) and University of Toronto, published January 7, 2021 in iScience¸ documents...
Painted turtle.Credit: Nicole Valenzuela A gene for red color vision that originated in the reptile lineage around 250m years ago has resulted in the bright red bird feathers and 'painted' turtles we see today, and may be evidence that dinosaurs...
Birds exposed to the persistent noise of natural gas compressors show symptoms remarkably similar to those in humans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, new research shows. In a study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of...
Engineered bacteria not exposed to inflammatory signals do not turn on the memory circuit and thus remain colorless. In the presence of the inflammatory chemical tetrathionate, the memory circuit switches on and colors the engineered bacteria blue. Credit: Wyss Institute...
If you feed the birds in your backyard, you may be doing more than just making sure they have a source of food: you may be helping baby birds give parasites the boot. New research published in the Journal of Applied...
It's no coincidence that some of the worst viral disease outbreaks in recent years -- SARS, MERS, Ebola, Marburg and likely the newly arrived 2019-nCoV virus -- originated in bats. A new University of California, Berkeley, study finds that bats'...
This is a golden orb-weaver spider (Nephila clavipes). Credit: Matjaz Kuntner, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Spider silks, the stuff of spider webs, are a materials engineer's dream: they can be stronger than steel at a mere fraction of weight,...
Microplastic fibre inside sea pen polyp.Credit: Michelle Taylor Scientists working in the mid-Atlantic and south-west Indian Ocean have found evidence of microfibers ingested by deep sea animals including hermit crabs, squat lobsters and sea cucumbers, revealing for the first time...