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Two types of liquid water

Writing in the International Journal of Nanotechnology, Oxford University’s Laura Maestro and her colleagues in Italy, Mexico, Spain and the USA, explain how the physical and chemical properties of water have been studied for more than a century and...
Credit: NanoPhotonics Cambridge/Bart deNijs For centuries, scientists believed that light, like all waves, couldn't be focused down smaller than its wavelength, just under a millionth of a metre. Now, researchers led by the University of Cambridge have created the world's...
A graphic shows the simulated aggregation of proteins implicated in Huntington’s and other neurological diseases.Credit: Mingchen Chen/Rice University Rice University scientists have uncovered new details about how a repeating nucleotide sequence in the gene for a mutant protein may trigger...
JILA researchers used their frequency comb spectroscopy technique (multicolored lightwaves between the mirrors) to follow each step of an important chemical reaction that occurs in the atmosphere. The technique identifies chemicals in real time based on the light they...
A Purdue University physicist has observed a butterfly Rydberg molecule, a weak pairing of two highly excitable atoms that he predicted would exist more than a decade ago. Rydberg molecules are formed when an electron is kicked far from an...
The crystal structure of FeBi2 reveals never-before-observed iron (red) to bismuth (purple) bond (green).Credit: American Chemical Society When it comes to making chemical bonds, some elements go together like peanut butter and jelly; but for others, it's more like oil...
Variations of a new blue pigment were developed by chemists at Oregon State University, based on manganese.Credit: University of Oregon A brilliant new blue pigment – discovered serendipitously by Oregon State University chemists in 2009 – is now reaching the...
Researchers in the USC Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute have developed a method of harnessing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, while producing hydrogen for fuel cells. Credit: University of Southern California A future with hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles and hydrogen-powered smartphones is much...
Freezing water is a central issue for climate, geology and life. On earth, ice and snow cover 10 percent of the land and up to half of the northern hemisphere in winter. Polar ice caps reflect up to 90...
Nanoparticle schematic.Credit: Ukidama Sometimes it is the tiny things in the world that can make an incredible difference. One of these things is the nanoparticle. Nanoparticles may be small, but they have a variety of important applications in areas such...