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Monthly Archives: February 2020

Scientists discover new clue behind age related diseases and food spoilage

Scientists discover new clue behind age-related diseases and food spoilage

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have made a surprising discovery that could help explain our risk...
Watching magnetic nano tornadoes in 3 D

Watching magnetic nano ‘tornadoes’ in 3-D

Scientists have developed a three-dimensional imaging technique to observe complex behaviours in magnets, including fast-moving waves and 'tornadoes' thousands of times thinner than a...
Study identifies a transition in the strong nuclear force that illuminates the structure of a neutron stars core

Study identifies a transition in the strong nuclear force that illuminates the structure of...

Most ordinary matter is held together by an invisible subatomic glue known as the strong nuclear force—one of the four fundamental forces in nature,...
Study reveals similarities between bee brains and human brains

Study reveals similarities between bee brains and human brains

In a discovery that could open new avenues for understanding of the brain, researchers have found similarities between the brain activity of honey bees...
Overlooked arch in the foot is key to its evolution and function

Overlooked arch in the foot is key to its evolution and function

long-overlooked part of the human foot is key to how the foot works, how it evolved, and how we walk and run, a Yale-led...
Human populations survived the Toba volcanic super eruption 74000 years ago

Human populations survived the Toba volcanic super-eruption 74,000 years ago

In a study published in Nature Communications, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History's Department of Archaeology, together with international...
Seagulls favor food humans have handled scaled

Seagulls favor food humans have handled

Seagulls favour food that has been handled by humans, new research shows. Herring gulls were presented with two identical food items—one of which they had...
Deaf moths evolved noise cancelling scales to evade predators scaled

Deaf moths evolved noise-cancelling scales to evade predators

Some species of deaf moths can absorb as much as 85 per cent of the incoming sound energy from predatory bats—who use echolocation to...
Researchers find new reason Arctic is warming so fast

Researchers find new reason Arctic is warming so fast

The Arctic has experienced the warming effects of global climate change faster than any other region on the planet. Scientists at the Scripps Institution...
Substance found in fossil fuels can transform into pure diamond

Substance found in fossil fuels can transform into pure diamond

It sounds like alchemy: take a clump of white dust, squeeze it in a diamond-studded pressure chamber, then blast it with a laser. Open...
Researchers create new state of light

Researchers create new state of light

For 20 years, researchers have studied how light rotates around a longitudinal axis parallel to the direction light travels. But could it move in...