Chatter in the deep brain spurs empathy in rats
Duke researchers tracked how signals ping back and forth within the brain during empathic decision-making in rats. (Stock image)
Credit: © mrks_v / Fotolia
It's a...
Gaps remain in surveillance for mosquitoes that transmit Zika, new CDC data shows
A county-level survey conducted in 2015 and 2016 by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows the historic occurrence of Aedes aegypti...
Case for sexual transmission of Zika virus strengthened
Although Zika is primarily thought of as mosquito-borne illness, sexual transmission plays an important role in the spread of the virus. Weeks or even...
Boaty McBoatface returns home from abyss
Boaty being deployed.
Credit: Povl Abrahamsen, BAS
Researchers at the University of Southampton have captured unprecedented data about some of the coldest abyssal ocean waters on...
In Turkey, carved skulls provide the first evidence of a neolithic ‘skull cult’
This is a pillar from Building D at Göbekli Tepe seen from the southeast.
Credit: German Archaeological Institute (DAI)
In Turkey, Carved Skulls Provide the First...
Turning the climate tide by 2020
Screenshot of visualization "A Year in the life of Earth's CO2.
Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
The world needs high-speed climate action for an immediate...
Study reveals mysterious equality with which grains pack it in
A huge range of materials are classified as granular – including sand, gravel, snow, nuts, coal, rice, barley, coffee and cereals. Globally, they are...
What’s on your skin? Archaea, that’s what
Hoi-Ying Holman, director of the Berkeley Synchrotron Infrared Structural Biology (BSISB) Program, has developed a technique using the Advanced Light Source to rapidly screen...
Higher IQ in childhood is linked to a longer life
Smart kids can look forward to a long life, study suggests.
Credit: © Mikkel Bigandt / Fotolia
Higher intelligence (IQ) in childhood is associated with a...
Thirsty seeds reach for medicine cabinet
Cowpeas are a major source of protein. Growing them more reliably in areas with risk of drought increases food security.
Credit: Martha Pings
Just like humans...
New insight into galaxy cluster’s spectacular ‘mini-halo’
VLA image of radio-emitting mini-halo in the Perseus Cluster of galaxies. Radio emission in red; optical in white.
Credit: Gendron-Marsolais et al.; NRAO/AUI/NSF; NASA; SDSS.