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Tag: type 2 diabetes

Air pollution linked to heightened risk of type 2 diabetes in...

Exposure to heightened air pollution during childhood increases the risk for Hispanic children to become obese and, independent of that, to also develop Type...

Healthy fat stem cells can protect against obesity-associated type 2 diabetes

Obesity is responsible for the deaths of over three million people a year worldwide due to its associated diseases such as diabetes, cancer and...

Genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes explored

New research from a large international team of scientists offers a more complete picture of the genes responsible for type 2 diabetes, demonstrating that...

Scientists detect gray matter changes in brains of teenagers with type...

Teenagers with type 2 diabetes have significant changes in total brain gray matter volume and in regions of gray matter involved in seeing and...

Diabetes drug metformin holds promise for cancer treatment and prevention

Use of Metformin -- commonly used as the front-line treatment for type 2 diabetes -- improves survival for some breast cancer patients, and shows...

New findings explain the connection between melatonin and type 2 diabetes

A new experimental and clinical study from Lund University in Sweden shows that the sleep hormone melatonin impairs insulin secretion in people with a...

Liver disease risk increased by type 2 diabetes

People with type 2 diabetes are at greater risk of serious liver disease than those without the condition, new research has shown. Researchers warn that...