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Study of electron movement on helium may impact the future of...

Images of the electron trap architecture. Top: Schematic representation of the experiment. Current of surface electrons, induced by ac voltage applied to the electrode...

Physicists ‘squeeze’ light to cool microscopic drum below quantum limit

NIST researchers applied a special form of microwave light to cool a microscopic aluminum drum to an energy level below the generally accepted limit,...

Tracking the flow of quantum information

A Yale-led group of researchers has derived a formula for understanding where quantum objects land when they are transmitted.Credit: Illustration by Michael S. Helfenbein/Yale...

Ultra-small nanocavity advances technology for secure quantum-based data encryption

This stylized rendering of the cross-section of the metallic hybrid nanocavity coupled to a quantum dot shows vertical emission into free space. Credit: Yousif...

Researchers trace neural activity by using quantum sensors

Jenny Schloss (left) and Matthew Turner, Ph.D. candidates at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, are co-authors of a recent paper on using...

Scientists detect a quantum crystal of electrons and ‘watch’ it melt

MIT researchers believe they have finally captured the process of quantum melting — a phase transition in quantum mechanics, in which electrons that have...

The quantum computers of the future will work equally well with...

Image Credit:Flickr/Dano When future users of quantum computers need to analyze their data or run quantum algorithms, they will often have to send encrypted information...

Researchers improve qubit lifetime for quantum computers

Illustration of the filtering of unwanted quasiparticles (red spheres) from a stream of superconducting electron pairs (blue spheres) using a microwave-driven pump. Credit: Philip...

Quantum particles form droplets

Quantum droplets may preserve their form in absence of external confinement because of quantum effects. Credit: IQOQI/Harald Ritsch In experiments with magnetic atoms conducted at...

New records set up with ‘screws of light’

Camera image of a laser beam in false color, which consists of photons in a superposition with quantum numbers between +10,000 and -10,000. After...

World’s fastest quantum simulator operating at the atomic level

Schematic explanation of the world's fastest quantum simulator. Credit: NINS/IMS Kenji Ohmori (Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan) and a group...