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Tag: Neanderthals

Exploring blood types of Neanderthal and Denisovan individuals

Blood group analyses for three Neanderthals and one Denisovan by a team from the Anthropologie Bio-Culturelle, Droit, Éthique et Santé research unit (CNRS /...

Ancient bone carving could change the way we think about Neanderthals

Evidence continues to mount that our Neanderthal brethren may have been more sophisticated than we give them credit for. Artsy even. And researchers point...

The caves that prove Neanderthals were cannibals

Image Credit: Flickr/Erich Ferdinand Deep in the caves of Goyet in Belgium researchers have found the grisly evidence that the Neanderthals did not just feast...

Neanderthals in Germany: First population peak, then sudden extinction

Neanderthal depiction (stock image). Neanderthals lived in the Middle Paleolithic, the middle period of the Old Stone Age. This period encompasses the time from...

Neanderthals used fire in caves: French cave sheds new light on...

Bruniquel cave. Credit: © Michel SOULIER – SSAC / Nature Jaubert et al.Close Deep inside Bruniquel Cave, in the Tarn et Garonne region of southwestern...

Climate change may have contributed to extinction of Neanderthals

New findings further support the hypothesis that changing climate was a factor in Neanderthal extinction. Credit: © Gianfranco Goria / Flickr A researcher at the...

Neanderthals may have been infected by diseases carried out of Africa...

A new study suggests that Neanderthals across Europe may well have been infected with diseases carried out of Africa by waves of anatomically modern...