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Tag: Geography

Building a detailed seafloor map to reveal the ocean’s unknowns

Scientists are building an accurate seafloor map can improve oceanographic and climate models, secure marine navigation, inform defence operations, and guide environmental decisions. Marine scientists...

Antarctic lake suddenly disappears

A large, deep, ice-covered lake has rapidly disappeared on the surface of an Antarctic ice shelf, probably due to the water’s own weight. The rare...

Pacific islanders likely found Antarctica first: study

Maori carving and weaving support the theory that Pacific Islanders were first to explore Antarctica pre-dating Maori arrival in New Zealand and before the...

A giant quake may lurk under Bangladesh and beyond

Potential quake zone. Solid red line indicates an area of about 24,000 square miles that could move during a subduction-zone earthquake, affecting 140 million...

New technique settles old debate on highest peaks in US Arctic

Mt Isto, the tallest peak in the US Arctic, shown as a 3-D visualization of fodar data. Yellow dots indicate position of some of...

Greening Arctic: Impact of climate change in high latitudes

Using 29 years of data from Landsat satellites, researchers at NASA have found extensive greening in the vegetation across Alaska and Canada. Rapidly increasing...

Slowing of landslide flows reflects California’s drying climate

Photo captures one of the California landslide sites studied by the UO's Georgie Bennett and Joshua Roering. The research team they led found that...