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Tag: Ecosystems

Meet the spotted lanternfly, the bug health officials are begging you...

Meet the spotted lanternfly, the bug health officials are begging you to kill on sight Whether you choose to kill insects or not, there is...

LED streetlights contribute to insect population declines: study

Street lighting has detrimental impacts on local insect populations Streetlights—particularly those that use white light-emitting diodes (LEDs)—not only disrupt insect behavior but are also a...

Humans managed shellfish and their predators for millennia, study finds

A new study confirms that for millennia, Indigenous people managed their relationship with shellfish and sea otters to safeguard their access to shellfish which...

Giant bird-eating centipedes exist—and they’re surprisingly important for their ecosystem

On tiny Phillip Island, part of the South Pacific's Norfolk Island group, the Phillip Island centipede (Cormocephalus coynei) population can kill and eat up...

Rainfall following drought linked to historic nitrate levels in Midwest streams...

A small stream flows through corn fields in northern Indiana. A new USGS report shows that drought periods followed by rainfall caused nitrate levels...