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DNA sequencing method lifts ‘veil’ from genome black box

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have created a new DNA sequencing method called Chem-map, which can detect where and how small molecule drugs...

Ancient woman’s DNA provides first evidence for the origin of a...

In 2015, archaeologists from the University of Hasanuddin in Makassar, on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, uncovered the skeleton of a woman buried in...

People in the Philippines have the most Denisovan DNA

Researchers found the relatively high proportion of DNA from a hominin cousin—nearly 5 percent—when they scanned more than 1,000 genomes from 118 distinct ethnic...

How sex cells get the right genetic mix: An interdisciplinary approach...

A new discovery explains what determines the number and position of genetic exchanges that occur in sex cells, such as pollen and eggs in...

DNA from 93-year-old butterfly confirms the first US case of human-led...

The last of the Xerces blue butterflies fluttered through the air in San Francisco in the early 1940s. Now, they can only be seen...

Just 7% of our DNA is unique to modern humans, study...

A study published Friday in the journal Science Advances shows that just a sliver of our genome is uniquely shared with other humans, and...

Ancient dog breed DNA helps unravel clues about evolution of man’s...

A study maps out the genome sequence of the Basenji dog which could impact understanding of dog evolution and dog breeds. It may also...

Meditation and yoga can reverse DNA reactions which cause stress, new...

A new study examines the deep benefits of meditation and yoga. Credit: © frankie's / Fotolia It's been debated for a long time, can yoga reverse...

Twelve DNA areas ‘linked with the age at which we have...

For the first time, we now know where to find the DNA areas linked to reproductive behavior, say researchers.Credit: © snre / Flickr Researchers identify...

How proteins control gene expression by binding both DNA and RNA

Proteins that bind DNA or RNA are usually put in different categories, but researchers at Umeå University in Sweden and Inserm in France recently...

The keys to a major process in DNA repair

The DNA of our cells is continuously damaged by numerous external agents, such as carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke or UV radiation emitted by...