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Many family physicians have inaccurate knowledge about lung cancer screening

Although clinical trials have shown that lung cancer screening using low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) can detect lung cancers early and reduce lung cancer mortality,...

Progression-free survival triples in select metastatic lung cancer patients with surgery...

Lung cancer patients with oliogometastases, defined as three or fewer sites of metastasis, may benefit from aggressive local therapy, surgery or radiation, after standard...

Pembrolizumab elicits significant antitumor activity in head and neck cancer patients

Treating head and neck cancer patients with recurrent or metastatic disease with the PD-1 inhibitor pembrolizumab resulted in significant clinical responses in a fifth...

Diabetes drug metformin holds promise for cancer treatment and prevention

Use of Metformin -- commonly used as the front-line treatment for type 2 diabetes -- improves survival for some breast cancer patients, and shows...

Decade of hormone therapy reduces breast cancer recurrence: study

Micrograph showing a lymph node invaded by ductal breast carcinoma, with extension of the tumour beyond the lymph node. Credit: Nephron/Wikipedia Doubling the duration of...

Enzyme with high potential for new cancer treatment identified

A team of researchers from the Biology department at the TU Darmstadt has identified an enzyme that separates DNA replication from repair. This discovery...

Promising treatment prospects for invasive breast cancer

The new active ingredient consists of DARPins (red and orange) bend the HER2 receptors (blue) so no more growth signal is transmitted into the...

Higher BMI, waist circumference are associated with increased risk of aggressive...

A study of almost 150,000 men from 8 European countries, presented at this year's European Obesity Summit (Gothenburg, 1-4 June) shows that higher body...

Even light drinking may increase breast cancer risk

Alcohol was established as a carcinogen in 1987, with a causal relationship between alcohol and breast cancer being acknowledged in 2007. Research conducted as...

Women may be able to reduce breast cancer risk predicted by...

Women with a high risk of developing breast cancer based on family history and genetic risk can still reduce the chance they will develop...

Scientists identify new drivers of rare cancer type

Section of adrenal cancer tissue under a microscope. The blue areas are the cell nuclei, and the cytoplasm is stained purple.Credit: University Hospital Würzburg Cancer...