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Close encounters of a tidal kind could lead to cracks on...

NASA's New Horizons captured this high-resolution enhanced color view of Pluto's moon Charon, showing the crack on the icy moon. It was taken just...

Hubble finds clues to the birth of supermassive black holes

This artist's impression shows a possible seed for the formation of a supermassive black hole. Two of these possible seeds were discovered by an...

‘Fresh’ lunar craters discovered

Using data from the LAMP instrument aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, a Southwest Research Institute-led team of scientists discovered two geologically young craters --...

Jupiter blasted by 6.5 fireball impacts per year on average

March 17th fireball captured by Gerrit Kernbauer and John McKeon. Image processed by Sebastian Voltmer. Credit: G. Kernbauer, J. McKeon, S. Voltmer Jupiter is hit by...

Extraterrestrial oceans: Beneath the surface

Artist's impression of the inside of Jupiter's moon Callisto. Credit: NASA/JPL; Jesper Lindkvist Icy objects in our solar system have large oceans under their surfaces...

First evidence of icy comets orbiting a sun-like star

Illustration of the dust ring surrounding HD 181327.Credit: Amanda Smith, University of Cambridge An international team of astronomers have found evidence of ice and comets...

Stellar cannibalism transforms star into brown dwarf

White dwarf (right) stripping mass from the brown dwarf. Credit: Rene Breton, University of Manchester. Astronomers have detected a sub-stellar object that used to be...

Hunting for hidden life on worlds orbiting old, red stars

This graphic shows where a planet can be habitable and warm around our sun, as it ages over billions of years. Credit: Cornell University All throughout...

Intense wind found in the neighborhood of a black hole

an artistic view of the accretion disc surrounding the black hole V404 Cygni, where the intense wind detected by GTC becomes evident. Credit: Gabriel...

Transit of Mercury: Planet to Cross Between Sun and Earth Monday

Mercury will cross the sun's face next Monday (May 9) in a rare "transit" that will be visible from most places on Earth, weather...

Measuring a black hole 660 million times as massive as our...

This is NGC 1332, a galaxy with a black hole at its center whose mass has been measured at high precision by ALMA.Credit: Carnegie-Irvine...