Tag: Alzheimer
Air pollution may lead to dementia in older women
Tiny air pollution particles—the type that mainly comes from power plants and automobiles—may greatly increase the chance of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, according to...
New imaging technique in Alzheimer’s disease – opens up possibilities for...
The brain of an Alzheimer's patient in a tau PET image. Red indicates the areas with the highest concentration of the tau protein. In...
New biochip-based blood test detects elevated risk for Alzheimer’s disease
Researchers today unveiled results from a new blood test to help identify which patients are at an elevated risk of Alzheimer's disease. The findings,...
Three Alzheimer’s genetic risk factors linked to immune cell dysfunction
This figure shows confocal images of cells, shown in green, and the corresponding uptake of lipoproteins in those cells, shown in red. Compared to...
Scientists discover how proteins in the brain build-up rapidly in Alzheimer’s...
Artist's rendering of protein fibrils (in blue) and healthy proteins from computer simulations. Credit: Ivan Barun
Cambridge researchers have identified – and shown that it...
Cannabinoids remove plaque-forming Alzheimer’s proteins from brain cells
Salk Institute scientists have found preliminary evidence that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other compounds found in marijuana can promote the cellular removal of amyloid beta,...
Long-term memory test could aid earlier Alzheimer’s diagnosis
People with Alzheimer's disease could benefit from earlier diagnosis if a long-term memory test combined with a brain scan were carried out, a study...
Brain imaging links Alzheimer’s decline to tau protein
A study using a new PET imaging agent shows that measures of tau protein in the brain more closely track cognitive decline due to...
MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) diet may significantly protect against...
A new diet, appropriately known by the acronym MIND, could significantly lower a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, even if the diet is...
Experimental Alzheimer’s drug reverses genetic changes thought to spur the disease
After treatment with riluzole, the brains of old rats showed more of a transporter molecule that removes excess glutamate, (green fluorescence, right) as compared...