Arrows point to tiny sacks inside neurons called synaptic vesicles, which store neurotransmitters like dopamine before they're released from one cell to another. The gene TMEM230, shown in this study to cause Parkinson's disease, encodes a protein that extends...
Section of adrenal cancer tissue under a microscope. The blue areas are the cell nuclei, and the cytoplasm is stained purple.Credit: University Hospital Würzburg Cancer researchers in Würzburg, in cooperation with the international Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network, have identified...
This artist's impression shows a possible seed for the formation of a supermassive black hole. Two of these possible seeds were discovered by an Italian team, using three space telescopes: the NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space...
Deciding when and how to train infants to sleep through the night is one of the hardest issues for new parents, but a small study suggests the process needn’t always be stressful for mothers, fathers or babies. Researchers followed 43...
Artist's impression of the inside of Jupiter's moon Callisto. Credit: NASA/JPL; Jesper Lindkvist Icy objects in our solar system have large oceans under their surfaces and here life could evolve and flourish. So says a new thesis by Jesper Lindkvist,...
After a mini-stroke, almost all of the benefit of aspirin in reducing the risk of another stroke was found to be in the first few weeks, and researchers also found that aspirin also likely reduced the severity of these...
This is Dendrilla membranosa, near Palmer Station, Antarctica. Credit: Bill Baker A serious and sometimes fatal bacterial infection, known as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), may soon be beatable thanks to the efforts of University of South Florida scientists who have...
This is an atherosclerotic lesion. Such lesions can rupture and cause heart attacks and strokes.Credit: UVA School of Medicine A gene that scientific dogma insists is inactive in adults actually plays a vital role in preventing the underlying cause of...
This is a photograph of Baffin Island, where a research team was able find a geochemical signature of material left over from the early melting events that accompanied Earth's formation. Credit: Courtesy of Don Francis of McGill University New work from...
This artist's concept depicts select planetary discoveries made to date by NASA's Kepler space telescope. Credits: NASA/W. Stenzel NASA's Kepler mission has verified 1,284 new planets – the single largest finding of planets to date. “This announcement more than doubles the...
A new toothpaste ingredient which puts back the lost minerals from tooth enamel and helps prevent decay and treat sensitivity while you sleep is available online and from specialist dental distributors now. It is expected to be available through...