On Wednesday, 12 October, Executive Board President Tim van der Hagen, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science Rob Fastenau, Head of the Department of Electrical Sustainable Energy Miro Zeman, and Pavol Bauer, who leads...
Vitamin safely boosts levels of important cell metabolite linked to multiple health benefits In the first controlled clinical trial of nicotinamide riboside (NR), a newly discovered form of Vitamin B3, researchers have shown that the compound is safe for humans...
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 with one half to David J. Thouless of University of Washington, Seattle, WA, and the other half to F. Duncan M. Haldane of...
Method sees through camouflage to reveal fake followers, reviewers An algorithm developed at Carnegie Mellon University makes it easier to determine if someone has faked an Amazon or Yelp review or if a politician with a suspiciously large number of...
An age-defying star called IRAS 19312+1950 exhibits features characteristic of a very young star and a very old star. It is the bright red star at the center of this image. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech For years, astronomers have puzzled over...
Aerial view of a plume of methane leaking from an underground pipeline, as seen with the help of a unique imaging spectrometer that operates like a near-infrared camera. A research team was able to identify this leak from the...
A botany researcher at New Zealand's University of Otago and colleagues have developed a new system to map the world's "biomes" -- large-scale vegetation formations -- that will provide an objective method for monitoring how vegetation reacts as climate...
The highly incised gullies on the eastern rim of the 150 km × 125 km Hale crater (located at 35.7°S, 323.4°E) as seen in the HiRISE image (top) resemble gullies on Earth and appear to have been carved by...
While thousands turned out to watch NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) recently complete a full-scale test of its booster, few were aware of the other major test occurring simultaneously. NASA’s High Dynamic Range Stereo X (HiDyRS-X) project, a revolutionary...
(Photo: © David Berger/Flickr)   The new finding shows that overfishing is not the sole reason for the decline in the lake’s fisheries, says study leader Andrew Cohen, a UA geoscientist.   The decrease in fishery productivity in Lake Tanganyika since the 1950s...
Image illustrating the concept of the sleep homeostat.Credit: Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour/ University of Oxford Team unpeel one layer of the mystery of sleep as they develop understanding of the sleep homeostat Oxford University researchers have discovered what causes...