The Latin translation next to the Arabic text helps represent the grammar and contents structure of the original better than a direct German translation would have done. Credit: © RUB, Damian Gorczany Bochum-based philologist Prof Dr Reinhold Glei has figured out...
The around 6000-year-old rock engravings can hardly be seen today. They were pecked into the rock with a hard point. Credit: © Photo: David Sabel Egyptologists at the University of Bonn discovered rock art from the 4th millennium BC during an...
Example of a modified skull, a practice assumed to be Hunnic that may have been appropriated by local farmers within the bounds of the Credit: Susanne Hakenbeck Marauding hordes of barbarian Huns, under their ferocious leader Attila, are often credited with...
A recent study by investigators at the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases at the National Institutes of Health measured how much artificial sweetener is absorbed into the blood stream by children and adults after drinking a...
The judicial decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) have been predicted to 79% accuracy using an artificial intelligence (AI) method developed by researchers at UCL, the University of Sheffield and the University of Pennsylvania. The method is...
This artist's concept depicts "heartbeat stars," which have been detected by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope and others. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Matters of the heart can be puzzling and mysterious -- so too with unusual astronomical objects called heartbeat stars. Heartbeat stars, discovered...
Rice University’s CaPSuLe system could allow mobile users to quickly determine their location indoors without having to communicate with the cloud, networks or other devices.Image Credit: Flickr/deyseeh Rice University computer scientists have created a new system for mobile users to...
CDC today recommended that 11- to 12-year-olds receive two doses of HPV vaccine at least six months apart rather than the previously recommended three doses to protect against cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Teens and young adults...
Exercise may be associated with a small benefit for elderly people who already have memory and thinking problems, according to new research published in the October 19, 2016, online issue of Neurology®, a medical journal of the American Academy of...
UCLA scientists have made a major advance in understanding the biology of schizophrenia. Using a recently developed technology for analyzing DNA, the scientists found dozens of genes and two major biological pathways that are likely involved in the development...
UA researcher Adam Buntzman has led an effort to harness supercomputers to create the first map of the human immune system. University of Arizona research assistant professor and immunologist Adam Buntzman used CyVerse data-sharing and analysis capabilities to lead the...