In this April 23, 2016 file photo, Solar Impulse 2 flies over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco at the end of its journey from Hawaii, part of its attempt to circumnavigate the globe. The next leg of...
Expanding polymer-coated gold nanoparticles.Credit: Yi Ju/University of Cambridge NanoPhotonics
Researchers have developed the world's tiniest engine -- just a few billionths of a metre in size -- which uses light to power itself. The nanoscale engine, developed by researchers at...
A May 31, 2007 file photo shows a view of the Large Hadron Collider in its tunnel at the European Particle Physics Laboratory, CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland. It's one of the physics world's most complex machines, and it has...
The device uses 'time-reversal' processing to send ultrasound waves through the hand. This technique is effectively like ripples in water but in reverse -- the waves become more targeted as they travel through the hand, ending at a precise...
Kagan's group developed a library of four nanocrystal inks that comprise the transistor: a conductor (silver), an insulator (aluminum oxide), a semiconductor (cadmium selenide) and a conductor combined with a dopant (a mixture of silver and indium). Doping the...
A typical watermark as it would be found on the paper (thermography).Credit: © Fraunhofer WKI
Is it a sketch of historic significance, or a fake from the 19th century? Such questions are difficult even for art experts to answer. A...
By combining the information from the Kinect depth frame in (a) with polarized photographs, MIT researchers reconstructed the 3-D surface shown in (c). Polarization cues can allow coarse depth sensors like Kinect to achieve laser scan quality (b).Courtesy of...
What's the best time to tweet, to ensure maximum audience engagement? Researchers at the University of Maryland have demonstrated that an algorithm that takes into account the past activity of each of your followers -- and makes predictions about...