Three-dimensional network structure of the highly porous and flexible material DUT-49 (DUT= Dresden University of Technology) which displays the NGA-effect. Credit: Image courtesy of Technische Universitaet Dresden Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaskel and his team of scientists at the Institute of Inorganic...
The desert scene of the ambush; Lawrence and the Bedouin lay in wait where the railway embankment curves around © Nicholas Saunders A bullet fired by Lawrence of Arabia during one of his most famous acts of guerrilla warfare has been...
In March 2016, ASTER captured the eruption of Nicaragua’s Momotombo volcano with its visible and thermal infrared bands. The ash plume is depicted by the visible bands in blue-gray; the thermal infrared bands show hot lava flows in yellow...
In order to determine where bed bug outbreaks are occurring and the best way to prevent and control infestations, entomologists examined 2,372 apartments in New Jersey and looked at factors such as the age, race, and gender of the...
On January 7th at 22:30 UTC, the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) celebrated its 20th anniversary with the math discovery of the new largest known prime number, 274,207,281-1, having 22,338,618 digits, on a university computer volunteered by Curtis...
16 percent of users unfriended others during Israel-Gaza conflict in 2014 Leaving politics at the door when talking to friends is a great rule for maintaining a friendship, but that may not be the case when it's a virtual door...
Despite having only about 5 percent of the world's population, the United States was the attack site for a disproportionate 31 percent of public mass shooters globally from 1966-2012, according to new research that will be presented at the...