Argonne’s Sibendu Som explains how the VERIFI team – along with the Aramco Research Center, Detroit – reduced engine design time from months to weeks.
Credit: Argonne National Laboratory
For scientists and engineers, the process of improving the performance of engines...
Researchers collect drone impact data at an athletics facility on Virginia Tech's Blacksburg campus under the direction of the Virginia Tech Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership and the Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science.
Credit: Virginia Tech
New Virginia Tech research suggests...
Drexel researchers have developed a solid-state, free-standing electrode that can make energy storage devices safer by eliminating their flammable electrolyte solution. The electrode uses a carbon fiber mat, made by the process of electrospinning shown here.
Credit: Drexel University
A group...
Schematic of the electrically pumped quantum dot micro-ring laser.
Credit: Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, HKUST
Decades ago, the Moore's law predicted that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. This prediction was...
Coiled carbon nanotube yarns, created at the University of Texas at Dallas and imaged here with a scanning electron microscope, generate electrical energy when stretched or twisted.
Credit: University of Texas at Dallas
An international research team led by...
The potential for molecular data storage is huge. (stock image)
Credit: © denisismagilov / Fotolia
From smartphones to supercomputers, the growing need for smaller and more energy efficient devices has made higher density data storage one of the most...
Sidy Ndao and Mahmoud Elzouka, University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering, developed this thermal diode that may allow computers to use heat as an alternate energy source.
Credit: Karl Vogel | University of Nebraska-Lincoln Engineering
One of the biggest problems with...
Tools and building blocks made by 3D printing with lunar and Martian dust.
Credit: Image courtesy of Northwestern University
When humans begin to colonize the moon and Mars, they will need to be able to make everything from small tools to...
This is a closeup of the flexible sensor.
Credit: University of British Columbia
Picture a tablet that you can fold into the size of a phone and put away in your pocket, or an artificial skin that can sense your body's...
Image credit:Flickr/richardghawley
The sight of propeller-like rotating blades positioned high up the pole of a tall horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) may be familiar to many. Often grouped in wind farms, HAWTs provide significant amounts of energy for local communities. One...
The exosuit’s soft textiles strategically position the actuating cables that assist with the ankle motion at the back of the lower legs, and, through additional straps, transfers energy produced at the ankle to the front of the hip to...