Alpine forests will be at great risk should weather phenomena such as droughts and torrential rain become more frequent. As a study by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) shows, the mountain forests of the Bavarian Alps have seen...
The image on the left shows the 31-year average snow water equivalent in the Sierra Nevada mountains compared with the snow water equivalent in 2015.Credit:Steve Margulis/UCLA Even with this winter’s strong El Niño, the Sierra Nevada snowpack will likely take...
Diamonds in a new study reveal geological processes. Credit: R. Wirth, GFZ Diamonds are not only beautiful and valuable gems, they also contain information of the geological history. By using ultra-thin slices of diamonds, Dorrit E. Jacob and her colleagues...
Red pigmented snow algae darken the surface of snow and ice in the Arctic. Credit: Liane G. Benning/GFZ The role of red pigmented snow algae in melting Arctic glaciers has been strongly underestimated, suggests a study to be published in...
A study of the Caribbean Sea by University of Liverpool ocean scientists has revealed that, in the midst of all the noise of the ocean, this region behaves like a whistle, which blows so loudly that it can be...
Uplift (red) and subsidence (blue) around the San Andreas Fault System based on GPS data (top) confirms motion predicted by previous models (bottom). Credit: Howell et al., 2016. An array of GPS instruments near the San Andreas Fault System in...
An illustration to explain the dynamics of the ultra-relativistic third Van Allen radiation belt, by Andy Kale. Credit: Andy Kale Earth's magnetosphere, the region of space dominated by Earth's magnetic field, protects our planet from the harsh battering of the...
An ancient basin hidden beneath the Greenland ice sheet, discovered by researchers at the University of Bristol, may help explain the location, size and velocity of Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland's fastest flowing outlet glacier. The research also provides an insight into...
A proposed perennial plate tectonic map. Present-day plate boundaries (white lines), with hidden ancient plate boundaries that may reactivate to control plate tectonics (yellow lines). Regions where mantle lithosphere heterogeneities have been located are given by yellow crosses. Credit: Russell...