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Monthly Archives: September 2021

20210914 kuruma shrimp header 1 8DtQeW
Photo by Richard Horvath via Unsplash

HydroGEN Project Awarded $5M to Model National Water Resources Using Machine Learning

HydroGEN Project Awarded $5M to Model National Water Resources Using Machine Learning HydroGEN, a UArizona-led project funded by the National Science Foundation's Convergence...
lensed galaxies by University of Arizona

‘Dead’ Galaxies Mysteriously Ran Out of Fuel to Make Stars in Early Universe

'Dead' Galaxies Mysteriously Ran Out of Fuel to Make Stars in Early Universe Taking advantage of a phenomenon that allows astronomers to use...
visualsofdusk unsplash

Earth and Venus Grew up as Rambunctious Planets

Earth and Venus Grew up as Rambunctious Planets What doesn't stick comes around: Using machine learning and simulations of giant impacts, researchers at the Lunar and...
20210910 header 1 drVaz3
Gravitational Waves Photo by Fakurian Design via Unsplash

LIGO and Virgo detect rare mergers of black holes with neutron stars for the...

Today, an international team of scientists, including researchers at MIT, have announced the detection of a new kind of astrophysical system: a collision between...
Jet Stream Clouds

Jet Stream Changes Could Amplify Weather Extremes by 2060s

Jet Stream Changes Could Amplify Weather Extremes by 2060s Drilling deep into the Greenland ice sheet, researchers reconstructed the jet stream's tumultuous past...
20210917 header image turbulence RdCP5Q
202109 ImageHeader saliva 3WlSRd
quantum navigation photo by anton maksimov juvnsky via unsplash

UArizona Engineer Awarded $5M to Build Quantum-Powered Navigation Tools

UArizona Engineer Awarded $5M to Build Quantum-Powered Navigation Tools Funded by the NSF Convergence Accelerator Program, the Quantum Sensors project aims to make...