People in the Philippines have the most Denisovan DNA
Researchers found the relatively high proportion of DNA from a hominin cousin—nearly 5 percent—when they scanned more than 1,000 genomes from 118 distinct ethnic...
Novel nanotechnology found to enhance fight against colorectal cancer and melanoma
University of Arizona Health Sciences researchers recently completed a study that has the potential to improve cancer treatment for colorectal cancer and melanoma by...
Global warming begets more warming, new paleoclimate study finds
Researchers observe a “warming bias” over the past 66 million years that may return if ice sheets disappear.
It is increasingly clear that the prolonged...
Locations of Riemann zeros accurately measured
The 160-year-old Riemann hypothesis has deep connections to the distribution of prime numbers and remains one of the most important unsolved problems in mathematics.
Cats prefer to get free meals rather than work for them
When cats were offered the choice of readily available food in a tray or working for it using a simple puzzle, cats most often...
Archaeologists reveal origins of famous Stone Age monument
Archaeologists from the Universities of Manchester and Cardiff have discovered the origins of Arthur's Stone, one of the UK's most famous Stone Age monuments.
World’s rarest rabbit spotted on Facebook
Everyone loves a picture of a pet rabbit, but when the cuddly creature in the photograph turns out to be a vanishingly rare species...
Invasive plants are still for sale as garden ornamentals, research shows
Ecologists show that 1,330 nurseries, garden centers and online retailers are still offering hundreds of invasive plant species as ornamental garden plants. This includes...
New technology will allow important metals to be made more efficiently
By adding combinations of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms to stubborn, hard-to-evaporate metals like tungsten and platinum, University of Minnesota Twin Cities researchers were...
Observatory in Chile takes highest-resolution measurements of asteroid surface temperatures ever obtained from earth
The study's target, Psyche, is the destination of an upcoming NASA mission
A close examination of the millimeter-wavelength emissions from the asteroid Psyche, which NASA...
V404 Cygni: Huge rings around a black hole
Black holes are one the universe's ultimate mysteries, hard to even imagine. But thanks to a recently released NASA image, we can visualize one...