Building a detailed seafloor map to reveal the ocean’s unknowns
Scientists are building an accurate seafloor map can improve oceanographic and climate models, secure marine navigation, inform defence operations, and guide environmental decisions.
Marine scientists...
Scientists take first snapshots of ultrafast switching in a quantum electronic device
Discovery of a short-lived state that could lead to faster and more energy-efficient computing devices.
Electronic circuits that compute and store information contain millions of...
New evidence of an anomalous phase of matter brings energy-efficient technologies closer
Researchers have found evidence for an anomalous phase of matter that was predicted to exist in the 1960s. Harnessing its properties could pave the...
Ride with Juno as it flies past the solar system’s biggest moon and Jupiter
The probe flew closer to Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede, than any other spacecraft in more than two decades, offering dramatic glimpses of both the...
Tree rings show record of newly identified extreme solar activity event
The data of tree rings register extreme storms of solar energetic particles (SEPs), far larger than the largest SEP event ever observed in the...
Study shows dire impacts downstream of Nile River dam
Downstream water supply and economic losses could substantially disrupt Egypt, according to a new analysis that offers potential solutions to avoid conflict over the...
How the universe is reflected near black holes
When a black hole passes between us and a distant galaxy, the galaxy may be fine, but its image may never escape. Since light...
Watching the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole feed
At the center of our Milky Way lies a supermassive black hole (SMBH) called Sagittarius A* (SgrA*). Supermassive black holes reside at the centers...
Longest known continuous record of the Paleozoic discovered in Yukon wilderness
Expeditions to a remote area of Yukon, Canada, have uncovered a 120-million-year-long geological record of a time when land plants and complex animals first...
Scientists solve 40-year mystery over Jupiter’s X-ray aurora
Have you seen Jupiter's aurora? Researchers combined close-up observations of Jupiter's environment by NASA's satellite Juno, which is currently orbiting the planet, with simultaneous...
Goldilocks planets ‘with a tilt’ may develop more complex life
Goldilocks planets are the ones that may support complex life. This is due to their location in the Goldilocks Zone which is a habitable...