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Monthly Archives: April 2021

Evidence of Antarctic glaciers tipping point confirmed for first time

Evidence of Antarctic glacier’s tipping point confirmed for first time

Researchers have confirmed for the first time that Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica could cross tipping points, leading to a rapid and irreversible...
Whisker simulation gives insight into mammals sense of touch

Whisker simulation gives insight into mammals’ sense of touch

Researchers have developed a new mechanical model that simulates how whiskers bend within a follicle in response to an external force, paving the way...
Physicists observe new phase in Bose Einstein condensate of light particles

Physicists observe new phase in Bose-Einstein condensate of light particles

A single "super photon" made up of many thousands of individual light particles: About ten years ago, researchers at the University of Bonn produced...
2D materials combine becoming polarized and giving rise to photovoltaic effect 1

2D materials combine, becoming polarized and giving rise to photovoltaic effect

For the first time, researchers have discovered a way to obtain polarity and photovoltaic behavior from certain nonphotovoltaic, atomically flat (2D) materials. The key...
Researchers develop third and final made to order nanotube synthesis technique

Researchers develop third and final ‘made-to-order’ nanotube synthesis technique

The current method of manufacturing carbon nanotubes—in essence rolled up sheets of graphene—is unable to allow complete control over their diameter, length and type....
Climate change cut global agricultural productivity 21 since 1960s

Climate change cut global agricultural productivity 21% since 1960s

Despite important agricultural advancements to feed the world in the last 60 years, a Cornell-led study shows that global farming productivity is 21% lower...
Team identifies inflammation fighting nanoparticles in honey

Team identifies inflammation-fighting nanoparticles in honey

Sugars make up about 95% of honey, explaining how the substance became synonymous with sweetness and a food staple of bee colonies, which repeatedly...
Melting ice sheets caused sea levels to rise up to 18 meters

Melting ice sheets caused sea levels to rise up to 18 meters

It is well known that climate-induced sea level rise is a major threat. New research has found that previous ice loss events could have...
Researchers discover how animals grow their pointy body parts

Researchers discover how animals grow their pointy body parts

An interdisciplinary team at Monash University discovered a new universal rule of biological growth that explains surprising similarities in the shapes of sharp structures...
Apes show dramatically different early immune responses compared to monkeys

Apes show dramatically different early immune responses compared to monkeys

A new study out of the University of Chicago and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in humans, chimpanzees, rhesus macaques and baboons has found...
Tires turned into graphene that makes stronger concrete

Tires turned into graphene that makes stronger concrete

This could be where the rubber truly hits the road. Rice University scientists have optimized a process to convert waste from rubber tires into graphene...