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Monthly Archives: March 2021

Giant fossil flightless bird had an enormous body but was still bird brained

Giant fossil flightless bird had an enormous body but was still ‘bird-brained’

The largest flightless bird ever to live weighed in up to 600kg and had a whopping head about half a meter long—but its brain...
Ancient Maya houses show wealth inequality is tied to despotic governance 1

Ancient Maya houses show wealth inequality is tied to despotic governance

Every society has some degree of wealth inequality -- over history, across continents, there always seem to be some people who have more than...
Optical fiber could boost power of superconducting quantum computers

Optical fiber could boost power of superconducting quantum computers

The secret to building superconducting quantum computers with massive processing power may be an ordinary telecommunications technology -- optical fiber. Physicists at the National Institute...
Scientists discover how humans develop larger brains than other apes

Scientists discover how humans develop larger brains than other apes

A new study is the first to identify how human brains grow much larger, with three times as many neurons, compared with chimpanzee and...
One degree of global warming causes a 50 increase in population displacement risk

One degree of global warming causes a 50% increase in population displacement risk

A new study shows that if the population were fixed at current levels, the risk of population displacement due to river floods would rise...
Ignoring climate change will lead to unprecedented societally disruptive heat extremes in the Middle East

Ignoring climate change will lead to unprecedented, societally disruptive heat extremes in the Middle...

The Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) is a climate change hot spot where summers warm much faster than in the rest of...
Snappy evolution was behind the success of ancient crocodiles 1

Snappy evolution was behind the success of ancient crocodiles

New research led by the University of Bristol has revealed that crocodiles once flourished on land and in the oceans as a result of...
Sea level rise in 20th century was fastest in 2000 years along much of East Coast

Sea-level rise in 20th century was fastest in 2,000 years along much of East...

The rate of sea-level rise in the 20th century along much of the U.S. Atlantic coast was the fastest in 2,000 years, and southern...
Natural variations help resolve a climate puzzle

Natural variations help resolve a climate puzzle

New research shows that naturally occurring climate variations help to explain a long-standing difference between climate models and satellite observations of global warming. Satellite measurements...
Novel thermometer can accelerate quantum computer development

Novel thermometer can accelerate quantum computer development

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, have developed a novel type of thermometer that can simply and quickly measure temperatures during quantum...
Mural shows earliest known record of salt being sold at a marketplace in the Maya region

Mural shows earliest known record of salt being sold at a marketplace in the...

The first documented record of salt as an ancient Maya commodity at a marketplace is depicted in a mural painted more than 2,500 years...