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Monthly Archives: October 2020

Ultrafast camera films 3 D movies at 100 billion frames per second

Ultrafast camera films 3-D movies at 100 billion frames per second

In his quest to bring ever-faster cameras to the world, Caltech's Lihong Wang has developed technology that can reach blistering speeds of 70 trillion...
New feature found in energy spectrum of universes most powerful particles

New feature found in energy spectrum of universe’s most powerful particles

Particles smaller than an atom hurtle through the universe nearly at the speed of light, blasted into space from something, somewhere, in the cosmos. A...
Supergiant star Betelgeuse smaller closer than first thought

Supergiant star Betelgeuse smaller, closer than first thought

It may be another 100,000 years until the giant red star Betelgeuse dies in a fiery explosion, according to a new study by an...
Now you see it now you dont Hidden colours discovered by coincidence

Now you see it, now you don’t: Hidden colours discovered by coincidence

Scientists in Australia have stumbled across an unusual way to observe color that had previously gone unnoticed. To create the effect, researchers attached a very...
Earth just had its hottest September on record

Earth just had its hottest September on record

Unprecedented heat around the world vaulted September 2020 to the hottest September since 1880, according to scientists at NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information. The...
The recipe for powerful quasar jets

The recipe for powerful quasar jets

Some supermassive black holes launch powerful beams of material, or jets, while others do not. Astronomers may now have identified why. Using data from NASA's...
Astrophysics team lights the way for more accurate model of the universe

Astrophysics team lights the way for more accurate model of the universe

Light from distant galaxies reveals important information about the nature of the universe and allows scientists to develop high-precision models of the history, evolution...
The spin of the supermassive black hole in the Milky Way

The spin of the supermassive black hole in the Milky Way

Once a black hole forms, its intense gravitational field produces a surface beyond which even light cannot escape, and it appears black to outsiders....
Recent Atlantic ocean warming unprecedented in nearly 3000 years

Recent Atlantic ocean warming unprecedented in nearly 3,000 years

Taking advantage of unique properties of sediments from the bottom of Sawtooth Lake in the Canadian High Arctic, climate scientists have extended the record...
Researchers synthesize room temperature superconducting material

Researchers synthesize room temperature superconducting material

Compressing simple molecular solids with hydrogen at extremely high pressures, University of Rochester engineers and physicists have, for the first time, created material that...
The mountains of Pluto are snowcapped but not for the same reasons as on Earth

The mountains of Pluto are snowcapped, but not for the same reasons as on...

In 2015, the New Horizons space probe discovered spectacular snowcapped mountains on Pluto, which are strikingly similar to mountains on Earth. Such a landscape...