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Monthly Archives: October 2020

New theory on the origin of dark matter

New theory on the origin of dark matter

A recent study from the University of Melbourne proposes a new theory for the origin of dark matter, helping experimentalists in Australia and abroad...
Early arriving endangered Chinook salmon take the brunt of sea lion predation

Early-arriving endangered Chinook salmon take the brunt of sea lion predation

The Columbia River is home to one of the West Coast's most important Chinook salmon runs. Through late spring and early summer, mature fish...
Classified knots Researchers create optical framed knots to encode information

‘Classified knots’: Researchers create optical framed knots to encode information

In a world first, researchers from the University of Ottawa in collaboration with Israeli scientists have been able to create optical framed knots in...
Groundbreaking discovery finally proves rain really can move mountains

Groundbreaking discovery finally proves rain really can move mountains

A pioneering technique that captures precisely how mountains bend to the will of raindrops has helped to solve a long-standing scientific enigma. The dramatic effect...
Deep sea corals reveal secrets of rapid carbon dioxide increase as the last ice age ended

Deep-sea corals reveal secrets of rapid carbon dioxide increase as the last ice age...

The Southern Ocean played a critical role in the rapid atmospheric carbon dioxide increase during the last deglaciation that took place 20,000 to 10,000...
Worlds greatest mass extinction triggered switch to warm bloodedness

World’s greatest mass extinction triggered switch to warm-bloodedness

Mammals and birds today are warm-blooded, and this is often taken as the reason for their great success. University of Bristol palaeontologist Professor Mike Benton,...
Two planets found orbiting a red dwarf

Two planets found orbiting a red dwarf

Red dwarfs are the coolest kind of star. As such, they potentially allow liquid water to exist on planets that are quite close to...
Unprecedented energy use since 1950 has transformed humanitys geologic footprint

Unprecedented energy use since 1950 has transformed humanity’s geologic footprint

A new study coordinated by CU Boulder makes clear the extraordinary speed and scale of increases in energy use, economic productivity and global population...
More than 200 million Americans could have toxic PFAS in their drinking water

More than 200 million Americans could have toxic PFAS in their drinking water

A peer-reviewed study by scientists at the Environmental Working Group estimates that more than 200 million Americans could have the toxic fluorinated chemicals known...
Research shows Krebs cycle possible without metals or enzyme catalysts offers new clues to lifes origins

Research shows Krebs cycle possible without metals or enzyme catalysts, offers new clues to...

Recent Furman University graduate Trent Stubbs is the author of a new study in Nature Chemistry that may fundamentally alter humanity's understanding of the origin of...

Zeptoseconds: New world record in short time measurement

In 1999, the Egyptian chemist Ahmed Zewail received the Nobel Prize for measuring the speed at which molecules change their shape. He founded femtochemistry...