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Monthly Archives: October 2020

Evidence of broadside collision with dwarf galaxy discovered in Milky Way

Evidence of broadside collision with dwarf galaxy discovered in Milky Way

Nearly 3 billion years ago, a dwarf galaxy plunged into the center of the Milky Way and was ripped apart by the gravitational forces...
Energy scavenging nanogenerator finds power all around us

Energy scavenging nanogenerator finds power all around us

Imagine a mobile phone charger that doesn't need a wireless or mains power source. Or a pacemaker with inbuilt organic energy sources within the...
Researchers find bovid and rhinocerous species in Tibetan Plateau about 5200 years ago

Researchers find bovid and rhinocerous species in Tibetan Plateau about 5,200 years ago

A research team led by Prof. Su Bing from Kunming Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, collaborating with the researchers from...
Humans and climate drove giants of Madagascar to extinction

Humans and climate drove giants of Madagascar to extinction

Nearly all Madagascan megafauna—including the famous dodo bird, gorilla-sized lemurs, giant tortoises, and the Elephant Bird, which stood 3 meters tall and weighted close...
Superconductor technology for smaller sooner fusion

Superconductor technology for smaller, sooner fusion

Scientists have long sought to harness fusion as an inexhaustible and carbon-free energy source. Within the past few years, groundbreaking high-temperature superconductor technology (HTS)...
Research team discovers uniquely quantum effect in erasing information

Research team discovers uniquely quantum effect in erasing information

Researchers from Trinity have discovered a uniquely quantum effect in erasing information that may have significant implications for the design of quantum computing chips....
Climate change likely drove early human species to extinction modeling study suggests

Climate change likely drove early human species to extinction, modeling study suggests

Of the six or more different species of early humans, all belonging to the genus Homo, only we Homo sapiens have managed to survive....
Driver of the largest mass extinction in the history of the Earth identified

Driver of the largest mass extinction in the history of the Earth identified

Life on Earth has a long, but also an extremely turbulent history. On more than one occasion, the majority of all species became extinct...
A trillion turns of light nets terahertz polarized bytes 1

A trillion turns of light nets terahertz polarized bytes

U.S. and Italian engineers have demonstrated the first nanophotonic platform capable of manipulating polarized light 1 trillion times per second. "Polarized light can be used...
New insight brings sustainable hydrogen one step closer

New insight brings sustainable hydrogen one step closer

Leiden chemists Marc Koper and Ian McCrum have discovered that the degree to which a metal binds to the oxygen atom of water is...
High levels of microplastics released from infant feeding bottles during formula prep

High levels of microplastics released from infant feeding bottles during formula prep

New research shows that high levels of microplastics (MPs) are released from infant-feeding bottles (IFBs) during formula preparation. The research also indicates a strong...