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Monthly Archives: October 2020

The first habitable zone Earth sized planet discovered with exoplanet survey spacecraft

The first habitable-zone, Earth-sized planet discovered with exoplanet survey spacecraft

TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, was launched in 2018 with the goal of discovering small planets around the Sun's nearest neighbors, stars bright...
Making biodiesel from dirty old cooking oil just got way easier

Making biodiesel from dirty old cooking oil just got way easier

Researchers have developed a powerful, low-cost method for recycling used cooking oil and agricultural waste into biodiesel, and turning food scraps and plastic rubbish...
SOFIA discovers water on sunlit surface of moon

SOFIA discovers water on sunlit surface of moon

NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) has confirmed, for the first time, water on the sunlit surface of the Moon. This discovery indicates...
Study uncovers why bats excel as viral reservoirs without getting sick

Study uncovers why bats excel as viral reservoirs without getting sick

Bats act as reservoirs of numerous zoonotic viruses, including SARS-CoV, MERS CoV, Ebola virus and—most likely—SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen behind the ongoing pandemic. However, the...
Drug resistant hospital bacteria persist even after deep cleaning

Drug-resistant hospital bacteria persist even after deep cleaning

Scientists have used genome sequencing to reveal the extent to which a drug-resistant gastrointestinal bacterium can spread within a hospital, highlighting the challenge hospitals...
Globalized economy making water energy and land insecurity worse

Globalized economy making water, energy and land insecurity worse

The first large-scale study of the risks that countries face from dependence on water, energy and land resources has found that globalisation may be...
Metal deposits from Chinese coal plants end up in the Pacific Ocean research shows

Metal deposits from Chinese coal plants end up in the Pacific Ocean, research shows

Emissions from coal-fired power plants in China are fertilizing the North Pacific Ocean with a metal nutrient important for marine life, according to new...
New study details atmosphere on hot Neptune 260 light years away that shouldnt exist

New study details atmosphere on ‘hot Neptune’ 260 light years away that ‘shouldn’t exist’

A team led by an astronomer from the University of Kansas has crunched data from NASA's TESS and Spitzer space telescopes to portray for...
Tools made by some of North Americas earliest inhabitants were made only during a 300 year period

Tools made by some of North America’s earliest inhabitants were made only during a...

There is much debate surrounding the age of the Clovis—a prehistoric culture named for stone tools found near Clovis, New Mexico in the early...
Coastal permafrost more susceptible to climate change than previously thought

Coastal permafrost more susceptible to climate change than previously thought

If you flew from the sea towards the land in the north slope of Alaska, you would cross from the water, over a narrow...
Large tides may have been a key factor in the evolution of bony fish and tetrapods

Large tides may have been a key factor in the evolution of bony fish...

Pioneering research, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society A, into ancient tides during the Late Silurian—Devonian periods (420 million years ago—380 million years ago),...