Researchers create ‘decoy’ coatings that trick infrared cameras
Light can sometimes play tricks on our eyes. If you look at a shiny surface, what you see will largely depend on the surrounding...
New approach refines the Hubble’s constant and age of universe
Using known distances of 50 galaxies from Earth to refine calculations in Hubble's constant, a research team led by a University of Oregon astronomer...
Researchers offer unprecedented look into ‘central engine’ powering a solar flare
In a study published in Nature Astronomy, an international team of researchers has presented a new, detailed look inside the "central engine" of a large...
New paper squares economic choice with evolutionary survival
If given the chance, a Kenyan herder is likely to keep a mix of goats and camels. It seems like an irrational economic choice...
Researchers build first AI tool capable of identifying individual birds
New research demonstrates for the first time that artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to train computers to recognize individual birds, a task humans...
Researchers develop an optical fiber made of gel derived from marine algae
An optical fiber made of agar has been produced at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. This device...
Manipulating non-magnetic atoms in a chromium halide enables tuning of magnetic properties
The magnetic properties of a chromium halide can be tuned by manipulating the non-magnetic atoms in the material, a team, led by Boston College...
Project creates more powerful, versatile ultrafast laser pulse
University of Rochester researchers are setting a new standard when it comes to producing ultrafast laser pulses over a broader range of wavelengths than...
Desert mosses use quartz rocks as sun shades
Living under a translucent rock can be quite comfortable—if you're a moss in the Mojave Desert.
A graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, found that...
Young dolphins pick their friends wisely
Strategic networking is key to career success, and not just for humans. A new study of wild bottlenose dolphins reveals that in early life,...
Scientists discover key to restricting antibiotic resistant bacteria
Antibiotic resistance poses a significant threat to human health on a global scale. It has been predicted that resistant infections will cause 10 million...