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Monthly Archives: March 2020

Researchers find string theory link in a class of complex numbers

Researchers find string theory link in a class of complex numbers

A collaboration of a mathematician and a physicist has shown that the modular forms associated with elliptic curves with complex multiplications are expressed in...
Scientists seize rare chance to watch faraway star system evolve

Scientists seize rare chance to watch faraway star system evolve

At only 1% the age of the sun, the DS Tuc binary system shows us how a planet might naturally develop before its orbit...
Scientists measure electron spin qubit without demolishing it

Scientists measure electron spin qubit without demolishing it

A group of scientists from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science in Japan has succeeded in taking repeated measurements of the spin of...
Egg stem cells do not exist new study shows

Egg stem cells do not exist, new study shows

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have analyzed all cell types in the human ovary and found that the hotly debated "egg stem cells"...
Study reveals link between income inequality and French kissing

Study reveals link between income inequality and French kissing

Income inequality may be linked to how often people French kiss, according to a worldwide study by Abertay University. The cross-cultural research involved 2,300 participants...
New study explains why superconductivity takes place in graphene

New study explains why superconductivity takes place in graphene

Graphene, a single sheet of carbon atoms, has many extreme electrical and mechanical properties. Two years ago, researchers showed how two sheets laid on...
Why is there any matter in the universe at all

Why is there any matter in the universe at all? New study sheds light

Scientists at the University of Sussex have measured a property of the neutron—a fundamental particle in the universe—more precisely than ever before. Their research...
Tracking down the mystery of matter

Tracking down the mystery of matter

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have measured a property of the neutron more precisely than ever before. In the process they found...
Hunter gatherer networks accelerated human evolution

Hunter-gatherer networks accelerated human evolution

Humans began developing a complex culture as early as the Stone Age. This development was brought about by social interactions between various groups of...
Innovative switching mechanism improves ultrafast control of microlasers

Innovative switching mechanism improves ultrafast control of microlasers

The all-optical switch is a kind of device that controls light with light, which is the fundamental building block of modern optical communications and...
Twisted 2 D material gives new insights into strongly correlated 1 D physics

Twisted 2-D material gives new insights into strongly correlated 1-D physics

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) in Hamburg, the RWTH Aachen University (both in Germany) and...