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Monthly Archives: August 2019

cropped Toward an orrery for quantum gauge theory 1

Toward an ‘orrery’ for quantum gauge theory

Physicists at ETH Zurich have developed a new approach to couple quantized gauge fields to ultracold matter. The method might be the basis for...
cropped Neanderthal tool making process may have been simpler than previously thought

Neanderthal tool-making process may have been simpler than previously thought

Neanderthals and other early humans produced a tarry glue from birch bark; this was long considered proof of a high level of cognitive and...
cropped New molecule could help improve heart attack recovery

New molecule could help improve heart attack recovery

Imagine there were a drug that you could take soon after a heart attack that could reduce damage by protecting healthy heart muscle tissue. "Cardiologists...
cropped Materials that can revolutionize how light is harnessed for solar energy

Materials that can revolutionize how light is harnessed for solar energy

Researchers at Columbia University have developed a way to harness more power from singlet fission to increase the efficiency of solar cells, providing a...
cropped Optic nerve stimulation to aid the blind

Optic nerve stimulation to aid the blind

Scientists from EPFL in Switzerland and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Italy are developing technology for the blind that bypasses the eyeball entirely and sends...
cropped Heat shield just 10 atoms thick to protect electronic devices

Heat shield just 10 atoms thick to protect electronic devices

Excess heat given off by smartphones, laptops and other electronic devices can be annoying, but beyond that it contributes to malfunctions and, in extreme...
cropped Lab based dark energy experiment narrows search options for elusive force

Lab-based dark energy experiment narrows search options for elusive force

An experiment to test a popular theory of dark energy has found no evidence of new forces, placing strong constraints on related theories. Dark energy is the...
cropped Common origin identified could bring tooth regeneration potential closer

Common origin identified could bring tooth regeneration potential closer

A common origin shared by teeth and taste buds in a fish that has regenerative abilities has been identified by a team of researchers...
Scientists extract hydrogen gas from oil and bitumen giving potential pollution free energy

Scientists extract hydrogen gas from oil and bitumen, giving potential pollution-free energy

Scientists have developed a large-scale economical method to extract hydrogen (H2) from oil sands (natural bitumen) and oil fields. This can be used to...
cropped New planet discovered in orbit of young Milky Way star

New planet discovered in orbit of young Milky Way star

A second planet has been discovered circling Beta Pictoris, a fledgling star in our own galaxy offering astronomers a rare glimpse of a planetary...
cropped Researchers develop materials that can revolutionize how light is harnessed for solar energy

Researchers develop materials that can revolutionize how light is harnessed for solar energy

Researchers at Columbia University have developed a way to harness more power from singlet fission to increase the efficiency of solar cells, providing a...