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Monthly Archives: July 2019

cropped New method may resolve difficulty in measuring universes expansion

New method may resolve difficulty in measuring universe’s expansion

Astronomers using National Science Foundation (NSF) radio telescopes have demonstrated how a combination of gravitational-wave and radio observations, along with theoretical modeling, can turn...
cropped Researchers discover that the rate of telomere shortening predicts species lifespan

Researchers discover that the rate of telomere shortening predicts species lifespan

A flamingo lives 40 years and a human being lives 90 years; a mouse lives two years and an elephant lives 60. Why? What...
Instability in Antarctic ice projected to make sea level rise rapidly

Instability in Antarctic ice projected to make sea level rise rapidly

Images of vanishing Arctic ice and mountain glaciers are jarring, but their potential contributions to sea level rise are no match for Antarctica's, even...
cropped Breaching a carbon threshold could lead to mass extinction

Breaching a ‘carbon threshold’ could lead to mass extinction

In the brain, when neurons fire off electrical signals to their neighbors, this happens through an "all-or-none" response. The signal only happens once conditions...
cropped Ancient molar points to interbreeding between archaic humans and Homo sapiens in Asia

Ancient molar points to interbreeding between archaic humans and Homo sapiens in Asia

An analysis of a 160,000-year-old archaic human molar fossil discovered in China offers the first morphological evidence of interbreeding between archaic humans and Homo sapiens in...
Research yields new clues to the origin of Tamu Massif

Research yields new clues to the origin of Tamu Massif

The discovery of Tamu Massif, a gigantic volcano located about 1,000 miles east of Japan, made big news in 2013 when researchers reported it...
cropped Supercomputer shows Chameleon Theory could change how we think about gravity

Supercomputer shows ‘Chameleon Theory’ could change how we think about gravity

Supercomputer simulations of galaxies have shown that Einstein's theory of General Relativity might not be the only way to explain how gravity works or...
cropped Snowball the dancing cockatoo has many moves

Snowball the dancing cockatoo has many moves

A sulphur-crested cockatoo named Snowball garnered YouTube fame and headlines a decade ago for his uncanny ability to dance to the beat of the...
New magnetic properties unlocked for future spintronic applications

New magnetic properties unlocked for future spintronic applications

A theoretical-experimental collaboration across two FLEET nodes has discovered new magnetic properties within 2-D structures, with exciting potential for researchers in the emerging field...
Snow algae thrive in high elevation ice spires an unlikely oasis for life

Snow algae thrive in high-elevation ice spires, an unlikely oasis for life

High in the Andes Mountains, dagger-shaped ice spires house thriving microbial communities, offering an oasis for life in one of Earth's harshest environments as...
Digital alchemy to reverse engineer new materials

‘Digital alchemy’ to reverse-engineer new materials

In work that upends materials design, researchers have demonstrated with computer simulations that they can design a crystal and work backward to the particle...