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Yearly Archives: 2018

Uranium lead dating shows that the Cambrian explosion is younger than previously thought

Uranium-lead dating shows that the Cambrian explosion is younger than previously thought

Using uranium-lead dating, Senckenberg scientists, in cooperation with an international team, were able to date the onset of the "Cambrian explosion" to precisely 538.8...
Evidence of a fearsome shark taking down a pterosaur in mid flight

Evidence of a fearsome shark taking down a pterosaur in mid-flight

It was a prehistoric clash of the ages that didn't end pretty when a monster in the sky clashed with a beast of the...
NASA satellites spot young star in growth spurt

NASA satellites spot young star in growth spurt

An adolescent star in the midst of a dramatic growth phase has been observed with the help of two NASA space telescopes. The youngster...
Rabbit gene helps houseplant detoxify indoor air

Rabbit gene helps houseplant detoxify indoor air

We like to keep the air in our homes as clean as possible, and sometimes we use HEPA air filters to keep offending allergens...
New composite advances lignin as a renewable 3 D printing material

New composite advances lignin as a renewable 3-D printing material

Scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have created a recipe for a renewable 3-D printing feedstock that could spur a...
The oldest large sized predatory dinosaur comes from the Italian Alps

The oldest large-sized predatory dinosaur comes from the Italian Alps

Early Jurassic predatory dinosaurs are very rare, and mostly small in size. Saltriovenator zanellai, a new genus and species described in the peer-reviewed journal...
Three generations 1000s of miles Scientists unlock mystery of a dragonflys migration

Three generations, 1,000s of miles: Scientists unlock mystery of a dragonfly’s migration

Thanks to photos and films featuring clouds of stunning orange and black monarch butterflies flying across North America, many people today are familiar with...
Fossils suggest flowers originated 50 million years earlier than thought

Fossils suggest flowers originated 50 million years earlier than thought

Scientists have described a fossil plant species that suggests flowers bloomed in the Early Jurassic, more than 174 million years ago, according to new...
Rare relic is one of only three fossil clouds known in the universe

Rare relic is one of only three fossil clouds known in the universe

A relic cloud of gas, orphaned after the Big Bang, has been discovered in the distant universe by astronomers using the world's most powerful...
Mystery of coronae around supermassive black holes deepens

Mystery of coronae around supermassive black holes deepens

Researchers from RIKEN and JAXA have used observations from the ALMA radio observatory located in northern Chile and managed by an international consortium including...
Pause in global warming was never real new research proves

‘Pause’ in global warming was never real, new research proves

Claims of a 'pause' in observed global temperature warming are comprehensively disproved in a pair of new studies published today. An international team of climate...