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Yearly Archives: 2018

Quantum Maxwells demon teleports entropy out of a qubit

Quantum Maxwell’s demon ‘teleports’ entropy out of a qubit

Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ETH Zurich, and Argonne National Laboratory, U.S, have described an extended quantum Maxwell's demon, a...
Beyond the black hole singularity

Beyond the black hole singularity

Our first glimpses into the physics that exist near the center of a black hole are being made possible using "loop quantum gravity"—a theory...
Satellite study proves global quantum communication will be possible

Satellite study proves global quantum communication will be possible

Researchers in Italy have demonstrated the feasibility of quantum communications between high-orbiting global navigation satellites and a ground station, with an exchange at the...
Faint glow within galaxy clusters illuminates dark matter

Faint glow within galaxy clusters illuminates dark matter

A new look at Hubble images of galaxies could be a step toward illuminating the elusive nature of dark matter, the unobservable material that...
A lung inspired design turns water into fuel

A lung-inspired design turns water into fuel

Scientists at Stanford University have designed an electrocatalytic mechanism that works like a mammalian lung to convert water into fuel. Their research, published December...
Scientists use magnetic defects to achieve electromagnetic wave breakthrough

Scientists use magnetic defects to achieve electromagnetic wave breakthrough

Surfers spend much of their time watching long waves come onto the shoreline as they attempt to catch one right as it begins to...
Thermal energy storage Material absorbs heat as it melts and releases it as it solidifies

Thermal energy storage: Material absorbs heat as it melts and releases it as it...

MIT researchers have demonstrated a new way to store unused heat from car engines, industrial machinery, and even sunshine until it's needed. Central to...
Precision experiment first to isolate measure weak force between protons neutrons

Precision experiment first to isolate, measure weak force between protons, neutrons

A team of scientists has for the first time measured the elusive weak interaction between protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom....
Why is sea level rising faster in some places along the US East Coast than others

Why is sea level rising faster in some places along the US East Coast...

Sea levels are rising globally from ocean warming and melting of land ice, but the seas aren't rising at the same rate everywhere. Sea...
The Casimir torque Scientists measure previously unexamined tiny force

The Casimir torque: Scientists measure previously unexamined tiny force

Researchers from the University of Maryland have for the first time measured an effect that was predicted more than 40 years ago, called the...
High levels of carcinogenic chemical found in everyday consumer products

High levels of carcinogenic chemical found in everyday consumer products

High levels of the carcinogenic chemical cadmium can still be found in everyday household products like second-hand plastic toys, drinking glasses, alcoholic beverage bottles,...