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Yearly Archives: 2018
Computational astrophysics team uncloaks magnetic fields of cosmic events
The development of ultra-intense lasers delivering the same power as the entire U.S. power grid has enabled the study of cosmic phenomena such as...
Mirror neuron activity predicts people’s decision-making in moral dilemmas
It is wartime. You and your fellow refugees are hiding from enemy soldiers, when a baby begins to cry. You cover her mouth to...
Quantum ‘spooky action at a distance’ becoming practical
A team from Griffith's Centre for Quantum Dynamics in Australia have demonstrated how to rigorously test if pairs of photons - particles of light...
A nonaddictive opioid painkiller with no side effects
What if scientists could develop an opioid-based painkiller that is not addictive and has limited side effects?
That is possible based on new findings by...
In scientific first, IU researchers grow hairy skin in a dish
Researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine have successfully developed a method to grow hairy skin from mouse pluripotent stem cells--a discovery that could...
The window for saving the world’s coral reefs is rapidly closing
The world's reefs are under siege from global warming, according to a novel study published today in the prestigious journal Science.
For the first time, an...
Weighing massive stars in nearby galaxy reveals excess of heavyweights
An international team of astronomers has revealed an 'astonishing' overabundance of massive stars in a neighbouring galaxy.
The discovery, made in the gigantic star-forming region...
DNA analysis of ancient mummy, thought to have smallpox, points to Hepatitis B instead
A team of scientists has sequenced the complete genome of an ancient strain of the Hepatitis B virus (HBV), shedding new light on a...
The ocean is losing its breath – here’s the global scope
In the past 50 years, the amount of water in the open ocean with zero oxygen has gone up more than fourfold. In coastal...
Webb Telescope to investigate mysterious brown dwarfs
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. Astronomers are hopeful that the powerful infrared capability of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope...
Soft, self-healing devices mimic biological muscles
In the basement of the Engineering Center at the University of Colorado Boulder, a group of researchers is working to create the next generation...